You're All I Need

Chapter 30: Home Sweet Home

"Woo!" We charged onto the bus as fast as we could, screaming at the bus driver and laughing at nothing. Tommy pulled us down next to some old people and we began to have spitting contests. Nikki leaned over to the old lady and asked what color panties she was wearing. The old woman got up, completely shocked at our lack of manners. Vince smiled and grabbed the old chick's ass. Her husband stared at us in complete disgust. Rose and Mick got up too, not wanting to deal with our crap.

"Well, now it's all boring over here." Nikki looked around, since we were all alone now. We all got up and plopped down next to a giant family with about 6 kids. Vince started a conversation that was so perverted that my jaw practically hit the floor. Tommy and Nikki went along with it, saying the nasty phrases and making obscene hand gestures. The kids were asking what some of the words meant and the parents were turning green. Vince put his hand between my thighs, making me squeal a little bit. Tommy and Nikki looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to put the icing on the cake.

I crawled onto Vince and pulled his head to my chest. "Daddy? When we get there, can we go to the candy store?" I massaged his thighs, making him laugh softly.

"Of course, honey. Just don't let mama know I let you have sugar before bed time." He winked at me when he said 'bed time.' He pulled me down and pushed his tongue between my lips. Tommy stuck his hands down my pants, giggling like a madman-- those parents looked around desperately, but no other seats could fit their family.

"My turn to fuck Vince's daughter!" Tommy yelled.

"No, it's mine! You got her in the shower this morning!" Nikki whacked him.

"Come on, we can all have fun with her later." Vince cut in. I laughed. This was absolutely horrible, but funny. I grabbed Nikki's crotch and he moaned loudly, making the father across the way quiver. Mick got up and walked towards us, ready to shut us up.

"Guys, behave for once, okay? We're in public."

Vince responded by sticking his hand up my shirt. I jumped and fell off his lap onto the dirty bus floor, quivering and laughing like an idiot. Vince eyed the people and got another crazy idea. He leaped on top of me, pinning me to the ground. I glanced up at Mick for help, but he just shook his head and walked back to Rose, leaving me to be raped by my "father."

The bus ride continued like this for hours until we finally reached the bus stop. By the end, I had made out with all three of them. We galloped off and said goodbye to everyone who enjoyed the bus ride with us. The people who sat across from us the whole time simply looked away, hoping never to see us again.

"So how are we getting there?" Tommy asked, glancing down the road. "Do they know we're even coming?"

"Nope, it's gonna be a surprise. We're walking." I charged forward and the guys followed me, whistling as they ripped up small plants and anything worth ripping. After a while, the sidewalk got too crowded so we just moved into the middle of the street, ignoring the people honking at us.

Once we had reached my house, we collapsed in my front yard, since the walk was longer than I had anticipated. Vince was yelling about how his side was cramping and how much he hated exercise and we had to tell him to shut up a few times. Then we got up and walked toward the door.

"And guys, behave please?" I gave them the puppy dog look. "For me?"

"Hm, depends." Nikki smiled. Mick hit him upside the head.

"Behave." He said simply.

"If you don't, I might not be coming home with you. My parents are extremely uptight." I explained, pushing the doorbell. My stomach filled with butterflies at the thought that I would be seeing my actual family for the first time in almost a year. Vince put his arms around my waist as the door slowly opened, revealing Ralph.

"IMOGENE!" He jumped onto me, hugging me for what seemed like hours. "What are you doing here?"

"Visiting like I said I would!" I wiped a tear from my cheek. Seeing him made me about a billion times happier, and, being the easily excitable girl I was, I began to cry.

"I can see you're still an emotional wreck." He smiled, hugging me again.

"Acknowledge my existence!" Tommy stomped his foot. I pulled away from Ralph and glanced at him.

"Ralph, get mom and dad, okay?"

"Sure." He nodded and we went inside. My house hadn't changed a bit. Same old couches, same old coffee table... but it still felt like a stranger's house.

Vince looked at the carpet. "It's nice in here." He said.

"Thanks." I smiled weakly.

"Imogene?" My parents emerged from the second floor and I ran up to them for yet another hug-fest.

"Hey-- I want to introduce you to the guys who I've been living with." I grinned, pulling out Tommy's kazoo. We had arranged some whole "Sound Of Music" deal for the introductions.

I blew the kazoo and they all walked forward.





"I'm Vince and I do not need a governess!"

"Well, these are my boys." I draped my arm around Tommy.

My parents nodded. "Nice to meet you all." Ralph stared at them as if he was looking at a squashed cockroach. Which I had seen lots of in the Motley House...

Vince was staring him down, trying to see how long it would take to get him to look away. Typical.

"I bet you kids are hungry." My mom broke the silence. "How about some spaghetti?" She smiled and walked us into the kitchen. Tommy held my hand and pulled me aside, looking around desperately.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I don't think they like me." He bit his lip.

"Tommy, you haven't even known them for five minutes." I laughed, smoothing his hair. "Since when are you self-conscious?"

"Since I saw how pretty your mom was!"

"Shut up!"

He giggled and we joined everyone at the table, feeling a bit better. But truly, I was really nervous too. If anyone else was, they certainly were not showing it. Nikki and Vince wouldn't shut up, and their severe lack of dinner manners stood out like a sore thumb. Mick on the other hand was being the gentleman he always was. To my surprise, Tommy followed his example-- and I could see my family approved of them.

Vince began talking about the other night at the Whiskey. "So this bitch just--"

I elbowed him under the table.

"OW. Uh-- grew wings and flew out the window." He got my hint and rubbed his arm, giving me the death stare.

"Nice save." I whispered, nudging him.

"Thanks." He leaned over and bit my shoulder, making me laugh and Ralph cringe.
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Home at last. Comments are real nice.