You're All I Need

Chapter 32: Ralph As My Witness

The next night, we had all crowded around the TV watching some random news clips. My parents had gone to bed a few hours ago and Ralph has made it a goal to stay up and watch the guys' every move. All the boys knew it too, so they were behaving perfectly.

"Please pass the popcorn, sir." Vince said mockingly, holding his hand out to Ralph. He stared at it for a while as if he expected to find something that could kill him before he handed it to us. Vince gave him a little smart-ass look as he reached in slowly, taking out a handful. They watched each other, waiting for the right moment to pounce. Tommy was trying not to laugh at something Nikki had whispered in his ear, and Mick and Rose were staring at each other... again.

I would never understand them.

I rolled my eyes and rolled onto my side, exhausted. Everyone else did the same.

"Dude, I can't do this anymore. I'm out." Tommy got up. "Goodnight, Imogene. I love you." He nodded and walked up the stairs, followed by Nikki, Mick, and Rose. It was just me, Ralph, and Vince now. I looked at them nervously. But surprisingly, they didn't even glance at each other. That was a good thing. We continued watching the show in silence.

"I'm hungry." Vince said.

"You're always hungry." I stuck my tongue out at him. And he just had to lean down and bite it. "Geh offuh meh!" I yelled, trying to free my poor tongue. And thank God, Ralph didn't look over. Vince let go and we all got back to watching the movie as if nothing had ever happened.


"And Ralph is down!" I heard that disgusting Vince creature bounce around on the couch. But no, I was not down, but up. Quite up indeed.

Imogene laughed in response and got up onto the couch with him. He smiled, cuddling with her.

"Mick and Rose are starting to corrupt me." Vince yawned.

"Kinda like Ozzy Osbourne." She replied, putting her arms around his neck. I watched them closely. She said she didn't like Vince in that way, so what did she call this?

"Hm, I'm tired." He tossed his head back, closing his eyes.

"Well, why don't you go to bed?"

"I don't wanna."

"See, you're always like this. You have something against beds."

"We've had this conversation before. I like beds. But they're much better with a little company."

"You've got Tommy and Nikki."

"Fuck-- not that kind of company. No guys."

"I bet if you were put on a deserted island with only men, you'd change your mind." (Side note: Gunner reference!)

"You take that back!" He jumped up, glaring at her. She ran her fingers through his hair.

"I didn't mean it, you know that. You would just go find some exotic woodland creature or something."

"Like the rare Imogene-cat! Grrr." He licked his lips and showered her face in kisses, despite her cries of protest. I hated this man.

"You wouldn't find one. Hence the 'rare.'" She stretched underneath the blanket they were sharing.

"Oh, I happen to be holding one." He raised an eyebrow at her.

"If I fucked you, would you shut up?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She had just used... the f-word, and she was technically volunteering to do something for him. And nothing good.

"Nope-- I'd keep coming back for more."

"Augh," She bit him on his shoulder. There was too much biting between these people, I swear! "Well, it wouldn't happen anyway!"

Vince laughed menacingly. "You know it would sometime."

Imogene got red and jumped off the couch. Vince followed her. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"Away." She bit her lip. YES. She was leaving him. But no, this just had to turn back around. He lifted her up and held her. She moved around, but he didn't set her down. After a few minutes, she stopped struggling and looked him in the eyes. What happened next was too horrible. He bent down and kissed her. And she didn't even try to kick him-- in fact, she looked like she was actually enjoying it. They walked up the stairs and I heard the door to their room shut. Oh no. I jumped up and darted up the stairs after them, praying that nothing was gonna happen. Luckily, once I opened the door, they were laying down in the tangle of bodies with their arms around each other and nothing else. I walked away, relieved.

Out of all that my sister had lost with these guys, she still had her virginity and her brain.
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