You're All I Need

Chapter 35: Paint And Nazi Killing Samurai Unicorns

I woke up on the couch, which had folded out into a bed. Everyone else was in a bunk. Rose and Mick shared one, and everyone else got their own. I propped myself up on one shoulder and looked around. Tommy was painting the wall.

"Tommy, what are you doing?"

"When you were asleep we pulled over at a gas station and they had finger paints!" He exclaimed, trying to make a turkey.

"And you bought some?"

"Why not? You only live once." He shrugged. I got up and took some red paint.

"What should I do?" I asked.

"Hmm-- I don't know. I tried to make Bambi..." He pointed to a big brown glob next to him. "That didn't go so well. It got all fucked up." He started humming as he sloppily wrote "TOMMY+IMOGENE=BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!" in blue.

I smiled at it. "That's very nice of you." I made a stick-figure of Nikki. "The owner of this bus is gonna be pissed!" I remarked, looking at the mess we made.

"That's the best fucking part!" He clapped, paint flying everywhere. "We should start painting ourselves before shows."

"That would be awesome. I'm going to paint you pink."

"No, no. Pink is too princessy. It's more Vince's color."

I laughed and smeared a red mark on his cheek.

"What the hell are you two doing?" Mick sat behind us. "Why do you always have to make markings on things?"

Tommy looked at the floor. "We're artistic."

"You're a fucking retard." Mick rolled his eyes.

I wrote "Happy Mick Appreciation Day" on the door, followed by a poorly painted picture of him. Tommy admired it.

"The Mona Lisa can suck it." He commented. Mick rolled his eyes and walked away from us, done with the whole conversation. We were able to paint in peace. Then Tommy had the idea of sniffing the paint. So we tried that. It... was... awesome. "Holy shit! Nikki come here!" He yelled.

Nikki trudged in. "This had better be pretty fucking important."

"Smell the paint!" Tommy tossed it to him. Nikki sighed and took a huge whiff of it. He smiled.

"Is this the finger paint you bought?"

"Hell yeah, dude. Isn't it great?"

"We need more." Nikki said, sniffing it some more.

"It makes your head all swishy!" I said, grabbing for it.

"No, no. This is mine." Nikki said. Vince charged in and took it from Nikki, surprising him.

"I have an even better idea!" He said. He wandered over to the couch and pulled a needle out from under it. "Let's dye our veins!"

"Yeah!" We all screamed in agreement and poured some paint into the needle.

"Nikki, you try it first." I tossed it to him.

"Okay." He tied the rubber band around his arm and did the whole procedure. Then he waited. "Nothing's happening... oh fuck!" He got up and ran into the bathroom an his breakfast made a colorful reappearance. (Ew?) We all cheered and copied him. By the end of the hour, the bathroom was tie-dyed. This was the beginning of a revolution. Whenever we went shopping, we'd buy some finger paints.

All of our time was spent on the tour bus... apart from shows. We would normally check into hotels, but then we'd be kicked out a few hours later. But when we weren't kicked out, I actually got a full nights sleep. On the bus I'd wake up to Tommy singing "Wheels On The Bus" again. Though the song was fitting, it still annoyed us all.

But the hotels weren't so fun either. In fact, we had to invent little games to keep us entertained. Mine and Tommy's favorite was "Nazi-killing-samurai-unicorns" or "chase in the hotel." We would each be on a team: The Nazi killing samurai unicorns, or the Nazis. The Nazi team would have to run around the hotel and get lost, and the unicorns would come find them. You could not hide in any rooms except the "property of Motley" ones (Vince's, Nikki's, Tommy's, Mick's, or mine).

"So, let's get teams sorted!" Tommy yelled.

"Forget this." Mick said. "I don't do these kind of things." Mick wandered back to his room.

"I don't feel up to it today." Nikki followed him.

"Well, I guess I'm out, too." Vince shrugged and joined the line.

Tommy and I watched them leave. "Loser dudes," Tommy sighed. "Well, one on one wouldn't be too bad." I nodded in agreement.

"I'm Nazi!" I proclaimed. The Nazi was my favorite position.

"Okay, let the games begin!" He began counting.
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The next chapter will make Saul Hudson happy. I know it.
Comment if you enjoy colorful barf puddles and Nazi unicorns.