You're All I Need

Chapter 37: In The Thicket

My eyes opened again a few hours later. Vince was still fast asleep, his lips slightly parted. I traced his jawline, smiling. He was so amazingly gorgeous. His body must have been chiseled from Mount Olympus...

Then I jumped up suddenly and looked around. "What did I do?" I whispered, examining mine and Vince's nakedness. "Mick is gonna shoot me...!" I threw myself out of bed and began getting my pants on. But they wouldn't go up. Oh yeah, I never unbuttoned them...

"Hey, where you going?" Vince propped himself up on one shoulder and rubbed his eyes. I turned and and immediately fell over, since my pants had tangled my legs together. He reached out a hand and pulled me up again. "Good morning." That sweet little smile appeared again.

"Hi..." I muttered.

"You alright?" He put his arm around me.

"Not really,"

"Why? Didn't you have fun?"

"I did, but I'm scared."

His head tilted to the side. "Why would you be scared, Imogene?"

I thought for a moment. I didn't have a clue how to say it. "Well, we did it. And Mick..."

"What about him? You aren't fucking him too, are you?"

"No! I wasn't fucking anyone until..." My voice practically stopped working. Those sparkling brown eyes were tearing holes in me. "Listen, I don't even know why it happened. Cause-- we're only friends, right?"

He sighed. "You are so god-damn stupid."

"What?" My head snapped up and I stared at him.

"You're a complete idiot. Over the last few months, I've dropped every hint imaginable."

"Like what?"

"Nikki's birthday. Christmas. New Years. The day we left the Motley House with the spray paint. MY birthday. Your birthday..."

"I haven't had my birthday yet."

"This emphasizes my point. It's today."

Yikes. "Well, sorry."

"And besides, I even tell you that I love you." He sat on the bed. "But see, Imogene, it's your lack of intelligence that makes me love you even more. And by the way, Happy Seventeenth Birthday, babe."

I smiled and threw my arms around him. "So shall we get dressed?"

"Sure-- or are you up for an action replay?" He winked at me.

"No, everyone's probably wondering where we are."

"Mick thinks we were playing a board game."

"Tommy knows, I think. Which means Nikki knows." I shrugged. "So, we better go see them before they think we died."

"Yeah, agreed." He nodded and we got dressed as quickly as we could. We made our way into Tommy's room, where he was sniffing coke with Nikki.

He looked up, white powder staining his nose. "Ohoho. Look who's here." He folded his arms across his chest, trying to look mature. Truthfully, you can't look mature with coke around your nostrils.

"Hi, everyone." I sat on Vince's lap across from him.

"We can see through your disguise!" Nikki pointed at us.

"You two are twitterpated." Tommy said.

"Twitterpated?" Vince glanced at me, raising an eyebrow.

"It's a Bambi thing." I explained. He nodded.

"But what does it mean?"

"In love, kinda like, mated."

"Ohhh, mated." He grinned and looked back at Tommy. "Yes, we are twitterpated."

Tommy high-fived Nikki. "We're gonna tell on you. And Mick shall sentence you to death. You broke the rules!"

Rules? What rules? I leaned forward, interested. "What are the rules?" I asked. They all looked scared, as if they had said something I wasn't supposed to know.

"It's impossible to play hopscotch on Sundays." Tommy said.

"But we didn't play hopscotch on Sunday."

"Ah-- listen. It's nothing that concerns you, Imogene." Nikki rested his chin in his hands.

Tommy got up. "I'll be right back. I just need to get something." He got up and walked out the door. I bit my lip repeatedly, self-conscious. They all knew what happened in the hotel room, and they were all probably pretty pissed off at me for it.


I skipped down the hallway and knocked on Mick's door. Vince was gonna geeeet it! When he finally answered, I barged in without his permission.

"It's happened friend Mick! In the thicket!"

"You aren't making any sense."

"Bambi stuff," Rose stepped forward. "The baby animals tell 'Friend Owl' that 'it's happened in the thicket.' The 'it' being the new prince is born."

"I admire your skills, Rose." I bowed to her.

"But what happened in the thicket? I don't see a fucking thicket around here."

"No, it's more like, it happened in Vince's hotel room."

"Who overdosed?"

"Nobody. Vince and Imogene are twitterpated!"


"I'm not going through this again. You're ruining the whole thing."

He groaned. "I haven't watched Bambi in years, Tommy."

"That just makes you a fucktard. But anyway... I'll explain to you in normal talk then. Vince and Imogene fucked in his hotel room (what happened in the 'thicket') and now they're a couple (twitterpated)!"

His face went completely white and he ran past me. "Where are they?"

"My room." I practically sang it.

He nodded and dashed away. Vince was gonna geeeet it! Then I thought, maybe I shouldn't have told him. But wait, I wanted to see him get his ass kicked. But... I like Vince. I also like Imogene. I really really like Imogene... But I shouldn't be such a tattle-tale. But rules are rules, but I feel like a complete asshole now. This internal argument is getting annoying.

I sighed and ran after him. "Mick, I lied!" I yelled.

"What do you mean you lied?"

"Vince and Imogene aren't twitterpated, I said that to get your goat... No wait. I didn't lie. They're cuddling on the couch. No they're not. I'm still lying."

"You better make up your fucking mind!" He snarled.

"Okay they did! Don't kill Vince! He didn't mean to! And Imogene didn't know better! And it's her birthday! And she deserves to be twitterpated! And Vince actually loves her! I'm serious! Please don't murder him!" I completely cracked and held onto his leg.

He stared down at me. "Okay, we'll just have a civilized talk." He replied, clenching his fists. We walked in together. Vince completely went white and Imogene jumped off his lap, falling onto Nikki.

"Hello Vince."

Vince just waved casually, his eyes still locked with Imogene's. Mick's "civilized talk" plan wouldn't work if Vince wouldn't say anything. He stared at me and mouthed, "What did you do?"

I mouthed, "I'm sorry." His eyes widened and he shrunk back in the chair, waiting for Mick to stab him. But Mick kept his cool.

"Come with me." He demanded. Vince nodded meekly and followed him out, casting a dirty look at me. Once the door shut behind him, Imogene stood up.

"Tommy! What did you tell him?!"

"I told him what you did but I begged him not to kill Vince for it. I also told him not to be mad at you cause you couldn't help it."

She sighed and sat down again, burying her face in a pillow. I put my arm around her, trying to comfort her, but she was fuming.

"Come with me Imogene, I want to talk to you." I said. She got up reluctantly and we made our way down to the swimming pool, which was supposed to be closed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks alot Tommy.
Nah, I love him. <3
If you comment, one of your enemies gets hurt.