You're All I Need

Chapter 38: Poor Mick

I sat down next to Tommy at the edge of the pool, dipping my legs in slowly.

"So you guys really are twitterpated?" He looked up at me, his eyes as clear as the chlorinated water. For sniffing an obscene amount of coke, he was acting waaay too calm.

"Yep." I responded simply, trying not to continue the conversation.

"What did you two do to make it official?"

"You asshole! You already know, you were standing outside the door listening to us!"

"Why, yes I was. But I want to hear you say it!" He splashed me playfully.

I blushed and kicked my legs around in the water. "We had sex, okay?"

Tommy laughed at this as though it was the funniest thing in the universe. "Was that so hard, Miss Neil?"

"Shut up!" I hissed.

"Sooo, how big is his dick?"

"Shut up!" I repeated, kicking him underwater. "Just because yours is like a fucking anaconda..."

"Fuck yes it is!" His pants dropped to the floor. "See?"

I averted my eyes. "You aren't being funny! Pull your pants up right now!" His laugh echoed around between the stone walls, bouncing off the water like a rock being skipped. After a few minutes, he finally pulled them up.

"You know you liked that."

"No, I didn't."

"Someone's a little bitch right now."

"Listen, Tommy, I'm tired and I'm not in the mood right now, okay?"

His hand found mine. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I responded simply.

"Since we're here... you want to go swimming?"

I cracked a little smile. "Sure. But what about bathing suits?"

"Go in your clothes, it's not a federal offense." He stripped down to his boxers and dove in. "Your underwear is okay, too."

I just slipped down into the shining pool, with my clothes still on. He dog-paddled over to me, chuckling. "Isn't this fun?"

"Yeah!" I exclaimed. I jumped onto him, water splashing his face. We spent a few more minutes splashing each other and acting like the retards we were, then we calmed down and sat on the pool steps. His dark hair stuck to his cheek, making him look like some kind of dog from the pound.

I crawled out and skipped over to a rack of towels, though he stayed behind.

"Aren't you coming?"

"No. I want to stay here a little longer."

"Okay. See you later?" I walked back over, gripping his wet hand.

"Yep. By the way, you're another year closer to death! Happy Birthday!" He sunk back down into the water and I made my way to the elevators.

Once I got to our floor, I walked into Mick's room. He was sitting there, alone, looking absolutely depressed.

"You okay?" I asked, sitting down next to him.

He sighed heavily. "Rose left me." He whispered.

"S-she what?"

"She just left me and said she's not coming back," He buried his face in his hands. "I don't know why."

"Dude, are you serious?"

"Yes. She's catching a bus home to get all her shit together," No matter how hard he tried to hide the pain in his voice, it wouldn't work. "I don't know what I did."

"Mick, it wasn't your fault."

"Yeah it was. She even said it was. She accused me of cheating on her..."

"But you weren't, right?"


"So it's her loss. You're a great guy, and she's missing out. As long as you know she's wrong, it'll be okay. Don't let her make you feel guilty." I said to him. He looked up, seeming a bit more hopeful.

"Thanks," He whispered.

"You're welcome. Hey, where's Vince?"

His smile faded again. "He's in his room."

"Thanks." I nodded, getting up. I pried his door open and wandered in. He was sitting around again, not doing anything. He sighed of relief as soon as he saw me.

"Mick didn't kill me."

"I can see that," I put my arms around his neck. "Thank God. Hey, what's the next tour stop?"

A little grin popped up. "Vegas."

"You're gonna love that." I rolled my eyes. "Strippers, showgirls, drug dealers..."

"Wedding chapels." He chimed in, kissing my neck roughly.

"Vince, you're not considering marrying a stripper, are you?"

"Depends... you a stripper?" He winked at me.

"Now that was just inappropriate." I tapped his nose affectionately then climbed off of him. He laughed as I placed my hand on the doorknob. "I'm going to bed, alright?"

He tugged my shirt. "Sleep here. You don't need your hotel room. Remember in kindergarten, where they taught us how to share?"

"So you're going to share?"

"Yes I will. I quite enjoy sharing."

I gave in. "You better not give me herpes."

"I'm clean, I promise."

I got into my pajamas and crawled into "our" bed, ready to just go to sleep. Too much had happened in 24 hours... I lost my virginity, went swimming with Tommy, and learned that Rose was a whore.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awww! I feel so bad for Mick. But guys-- no, GODS-- like him don't stay alone for long. (((Looks at a very specific someone)))
PS I've noticed some weird little "Team Tommy" and "Team Vince" stuff going on in the comments. 0.o (Dammit, Twilight. Look what it's started. Fuck yourself, Stephanie Meyer)
So... what team are YOU on?