You're All I Need

Chapter 4: The Motley House

I woke up in some bed that I didn't recognize. I looked around rapidly, trying to see if I could see anyone, but no one was there. I was still fully clothed except for my jacket and shoes, so that was a good thing. I pulled myself out of bed and slipped out of the room silently. The house was a mess, with bloodstains and burn-marks on the carpet. Roaches were crawling everywhere, and the bathroom was covered in un-identified dark brown marks. I gagged.

There were a pair of shoes poking out from one end of the couch. Slowly I approached it, only to see Nikki laying there, fast asleep. I sighed of relief, happy that I had stayed with good people. After that, I went to find Brandon.

"If you're looking for that Brandon kid, he went home last night," A voice from behind made me jump. I turned to see Vince leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Um, he did? Without me?"

"You fell asleep and he didn't wanna wake you up. And he didn't wanna drag you home either. So I said, 'leave her here with us, we'll take good care of her.' And I think we did a nice job, don't you?" He smiled. "Nikki even gave up his bed so you could have it."

"Oh, well thanks." I nodded. "Hey, do you know who took off my jacket and shoes last night?"

"Guilty," Vince raised his hand. "And don't be surprised if there's a hand print on your ass later... cause that was me, too."

I laughed. "Alright, thanks again."

"You're welcome. Oh- and what's your name again?"


"Oh... Imogene. That's cute." He sighed. "So, what's for breakfast?"


Nikki got up and Tommy stumbled out of a room. "You know, you eat it in the morning." Nikki explained.

"I know what breakfast is."

"Well, when are you making it?" Tommy asked.

"Oh, I don't cook. I fail at it."

"All girls cook. It's a law," Nikki tilted his head to the left. I giggled.

"Okay, just for today." I gave in and walked into the kitchen. When I opened the fridge, all I saw was a pack of hot dogs and two old cans of beer. I sighed and pulled out the hot dogs, fixing them up in record time. The guys practically shoved them in their mouths.

"See, you're a good cook." Tommy looked up at me.

"Huh," I flopped next to them on the couch.

"From what I heard, your hotel isn't so great," Nikki said.

"Um- no. Not at all. It' disgusting." I said.

"Sooooo, we were talking with Brandon last night." Nikki responded.

"About what?"

"We said, 'If you two aren't together, how about her living with us?' and he responded with 'Are you sure?' and we said 'Yeah!'" Tommy narrated the whole thing.

"So, we just need to get your opinion." Nikki continued.

"How about it? Being one of us?" Vince leaned forward to get my answer.

For a minute, I was absolutely flattered. Then I thought about the hotel room verses the house and thought twice. Nikki started to pretend cry. "Please?" He clung to my waist, then Tommy joined in. Then I had two crying rock stars attached to me. I looked up at Vince for help, but he just ran over and hugged my leg, joining the other two.

“Come on, I barely even know you guys!”

“But Vince can’t even remember his chick’s names!” Nikki exclaimed.

“We don’t like them as much as we like you!” Tommy pleaded.

“It’s true. But I’ll remember your name, though!” Vince kissed my knee.

“Okay, in a couple of weeks. I want to get to know you guys better.” I tried to pull Vince off of me, cause he was doing more than begging.

“No! Tommy want Imogene move in NOW.” Tommy demanded childishly.

"But I-"

"Now!" All three of them glared up at me, looking rabid.

“Fine, I’ll try it for a few days, but if one thing goes wrong, I’m out of here.” I finally had to give in. Tommy and Nikki let go and gave me regular hugs. “Um, Vince?”

"Oh, don't worry bout me. I like it down here."

“Vince, you’re just looking up her skirt.” Nikki rolled his eyes.

“Uh-uh!” He yelled defensively.

I lifted him off of my leg finally. He looked at me. “Want to come to my room, Imogene?” He asked.

“HE REMEMBERED A GIRL’S NAME!” Tommy and Nikki started clapping.

“Congratulations, Vince!” I said, hugging him. “Oh, and I’d rather not go to your room right now, if that’s okay.”

“You will be mine. Oh yes. You will be mine.” He muttered.

I laughed. And despite the house's disgusting condition, I was happy to be the Motley girl.