You're All I Need

Chapter 41: Dancing In The Hallways

Tommy and I tore off our pants and ran down the hotel hallways. Luckily no one was out of their rooms at 2:00 am, so Tommy and I could be obnoxious as much as we wanted. He jumped up and down, his dick nearly hitting him in the face. Since Imogene, Vince, and Mick were gone, we had to find a way to entertain ourselves.

"What the...?!" The hotel manager turned a corner and saw us whooping and dancing naked in front of the imperial suite.

"Run, dude!" Tommy grabbed my arm and we took off. The manager charged after us, yelling at us to slow down since he was such a fat bastard. Even fatter than Vince. Tommy nudged me. "This is like, Extreme-Nazi-killing-samurai-unicorns."

"Shut up, asshole." I sneered, pulling him forward. We finally made it into my room and we sat down, breathing heavily.

"Does he know what room we're in?" Tommy asked, gasping for air. You'd think he was fat-manager-boy.

"I don't think so. Thank God for fake names, huh?" I smiled and grabbed a bottle of Jack off the table. "But I wonder if he'll recognize our faces."

"Fuck, I hope not!" T-Bone laughed. "Let's go back out."

I agreed and we walked out the doors again. The coast was clear. We tiptoed into the elevators and began pushing all the buttons except the lobby one. We'd be fucked for sure if we were found down there. Tommy smiled and clicked the top-floor button.

"Don't ya know, know, know, it's a violation...." He began, dancing a bit more.

"I still hear ya saying..." I continued.


I imitated Vince's high voice as the elevator climbed up the cable. The elevator slowed to a stop and we walked outside onto the top of the building. Shit, it was cold out there. I ignored it and joined Tommy on the edge. "TAKE ME TO THE TOP!"

"Let's piss on all the people down there." He said, holding his king-size dick again. I nodded and joined him in our little celebration. We could hear random people screaming and swearing as our urine splashed onto them. Tommy and I were laughing like mother-fucking hyenas.

After about an hour, T-Bone was complaining that his little friend was getting frostbite. So we went inside and stuck it in a roll of toilet paper that we grabbed off the maid cart. We jumped back into the elevator and rode back to our floor.

"Tommy? Nikki?" I heard a familiar voice behind us. We turned and saw Imogene with her eyes wide open. Vince was staring at us, and Mick was covering some random whore's eyes while holding Vince's ear. He was in trouble for something...

"Heeey." I smiled.

"Get some clothes on!" Mick yelled.

Imogene was still in shock. She was like a deer in the headlights. Vince slapped Mick's hand off and moved towards us.

"Tommy! What the hell is that?!" He pointed to Tommy's bottom half. "It's like a baby's arm holding a fucking apple!" He yelled. Tommy just grinned and twirled around like Shirley Temple.

"Well, we must be on our way." I said. Tommy and I galloped to the elevators again.

Unfortunately, we pushed the lobby button. So we jumped out, still dancing and jumping like god-damn retards, and hotel security grabbed us and shoved us against the wall.

"What were you doing?"

"We were dancing naked in the halls, duh." Tommy said, his face sandwiched in between the wall and the officer's hands.

"You know that's not allowed."

"Sorry, we didn't get the fucking rule book." I spat.

"That's it. Pack your stuff and get out."

"What if we refuse, bastards?" Tommy kicked him.

After a few more minutes of arguing, we gave in and they took us upstairs to our rooms to get our shit together and go out to the bus. So we got all packed and walked outside after spitting on them and giving them the finger. As soon as we got into the bus, the drugs came out. We did all the coke and drank all the whiskey and shot up all the finger-paint. In just a few minutes, we were as fucked up as could be. And that's good when you're with Tommy, cause he's willing to do all the stupid shit with you. The bad thing is, he doesn't shut up when he's high.

"Soooo, what do you think about..." I trailed off, not remembering what the fuck I was going to say to him. He stared at me, his eyes glassy and glazed over.

"I think Vince needs to eat the..." All of sentences were like this.

"Who was the..." Tommy snapped his fingers. "Chick that Mick was with..."

Awesome, the first finished sentence of the night.

"I dunno... but Imogene looked pretty fuckable tonight..." I finished a sentence too. I'm beginning to notice a pattern.

"Duuuude, she always looks fuckable to meee..." Tommy buried his face in a cushion.

"Hold on, whaaaat?" I sat up.

"She's so damn purty." He sighed, letting out some retarded giggle.

"Oh, I get it! You liiiike her." I chuckled.

"No shit, Sherlock...." He yawned.

"Heeeey, it surprised me, dude. Soooo, you shouldn't be such an ass. On a scale of one to one hundred, how pretty is she?"

He laughed again and nearly fell of the couch. "A katrillion billion!"

"That numberrrr hasn't even beeeeen invented yet...."

"When talking about her, everything's possible, dude...."

"Someone's obsessssssed."

"Fuck yeah, dude. Tell me something I don't know...."

"I fear dolphins."


"That's something you don't know." I yawned, rolling over.

He exhaled and kept staring at the ceiling. "We almost fucked in the pool at that one hotel. Then she chickened out and left," He stated, gulping the last bit of vodka. Dammit, I wanted that. "It nearly happened, dude..."

"I'm sure it did, Tommy. But think about it. That was right after she fucked Vince. You think she would do you ten minutes after? She's not one of Vince's whores. The reason she did him was because she loves him. And apparently Vince loves her. That's what he told me." For being completely high, we were being pretty smart.

"Think about it. Vince loving someone? Impossible. He can't stay with one girl for more than a day."

"Well, then this is a new record." A bit of drool escaped my mouth and I wiped it up fast. "What I'm trying to say is..."

"But I..."

"Shut the fuck up and listen!" I tried to get up, but failed. "Let everything work itself out. If Vince and Imogene crash and burn, her pussy is yours for the taking."

He shook his head. "I don't think it will happen."

"Truthfully, neither do I, bud." I reached over and ruffled his hair. "I kinda like them together. He's a filthy man-whore, she's the naive little princess type."

"They're opposites."

"That's what makes it sexy, man. Fucking a princess would be great."

"Especially that one... I'm going to bed, dude. Love you."

"Not queerly but dearly!"

"You got it, dude." He gave me a thumbs up and climbed into his bunk.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dancing with pants off. That's nice. And classy.
"Tell me something I don't know."
"I fear dolphins."
If you comment, Nikki and Tommy will ring your doorbell and dance for you... you should want that.