You're All I Need

Chapter 42: Razzle

As the tour progressed, the guys got even more crazy, and alot more fun. Drugs were everywhere, and there was always a party. There was always an excuse for one. We would have "Mick Day" and "Hailey Day" and "Vince Day" and "Tommy Day" and so on. The tour continued well into 1984, and we finally felt like we had made it.

Vince and I had become ten times closer, and we were rarely ever apart, except for at shows, cause he would find a few girls. So Tommy and I would go be idiots again. Mick could not be happier. He had completely forgotten about that bitch, Rose. Hailey had thrown him a lifeline.

One night, we had finished the tour and were holding yet another party at Tommy and Bullwinkle's. Everyone was there, and some guys from a band called Hanoi Rocks. They were the coolest guys ever, and we were discussing future tour arrangements with them. I was laughing about something Michael, the lead singer, had said to me when Vince tapped me on the shoulder, so drunk he could barely stand up.

"Heyyy, Razzle and I are goin' to the liquor storrre. Can we take the Panteraaaa?"

"Of course you can," I thought it was odd how he wanted to drive to a place just around the corner, but I went along with it. "Just don't kill anyone, alright?"

"I promisssse." He nodded and stumbled outside with Razzle. Michael and I got back to our conversation. After a while, the booze ran out. Thank God Vince had gone to get more. Tommy approached me and carried me into his and Bullwinkle's room and set me down on their bed. I thought of all the disgusting things they might have done on these sheets, so I got up quickly. Tommy laughed and sat me back down again, falling next to me. He wrestled me down and pinned me, smiling.

"What the hell are you doing?" I stuck my tongue out at him and he leaned down to bite it.

"See, Bullwinkle's gonna come in and she'll catch me with you. It will all work perfectly!"

My eyes widened. "I'll get killed! She'll come here and stab me!"

"No, Tom-Tom won't let it happen." He shook his head.

Then his plan worked. Bullwinkle stormed in and saw me under Tommy. Then the tantrum started, and I could tell that she was gonna bite my head off. Tommy leapt off of me and held her back. I gulped and stared. I had no clue what I should do.

"Jessica, we can work this out. It's not Imogene's fault, it's mine." His voice was 100% candy-coated. She continued her screaming and cussing anyway. The door was open, so I jumped up and darted out. I was stopped by Nikki a few seconds later.

"Where's Vince?" He asked.

"Him and Razzle went to get more booze about an hour ago... what the hell are they doing?" I thought for a moment. "Going to the liquor store doesn't take that long..."

I was interrupted by the sound of nearby sirens. Everyone went silent and we immediately sobered up. Something was wrong. Tommy and Bullwinkle had stopped fighting and we all ran outside. Red lights were flashing a little bit down the road and we ran towards them as fast as we could. In the middle of the road was Razzle's tennis shoe. I gulped and looked around frantically for Vince. There was my mangled car and Razzle covered in blood being carried away on a stretcher. I gulped and scanned the landscape again.

Vince sat on the curb, staring at the ground. I ran up and threw my arms around him, relieved he was okay. He looked up and gave me the saddest look I ever saw in my life.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, sounding like a little kid. I held his head to my chest.

"It's fine. Are you alright?" I kissed his forehead, my eyes welling up.

"Razzle's all bloody."

"I know he is, but he'll be okay." We sat there with our arms around each other. Then a police officer came and handcuffed him, taking him to some police car.

I hugged my knees to my chest and a few tears rolled down my cheeks. Tommy ran over and picked me up. We all went down to the hospital and sat in the waiting room, waiting for some news on their conditions. I was in hysterics and Tommy didn't let go of my hand the whole time. Those of us who did smoke had about 50 cigarettes each, no matter how much people complained. Then a doctor came out with his gloves coated in thick, red blood.

"Your buddy Razzle didn't make it." He said quietly. We all broke down and began sobbing, no matter what gender we were.

Bullwinkle and Tommy didn't talk for the rest of the evening, and Mick and Hailey stayed in a bathroom for a few hours. Huh-- so much for grieving.

Me, on the other hand, walked into emergency room without permission. Vince was in one of the hospital beds, looking pretty depressed.

"It's my fault," He sighed. I said nothing, just sat next to him and held his hand. "Don't you hate me?"

"No, I don't." I touched his cheek. "I love you, no matter what, okay?" He sat up and kissed me softly, rubbing my back slowly and trying to comfort me. I buried my face in his chest once we pulled away. After a few more minutes, the doctors kicked me out and I went home with everyone, feeling sick to my stomach.
♠ ♠ ♠
Poor Razzle.
Short chapter, I know.
If you don't comment, Bullwinkle's coming for you.