You're All I Need

Chapter 43: The Moose Is Dead

I spent the night at Tommy and Bullwinkle's house. Bullwinkle would come out every hour with a butcher knife in her hand and stare at me until Tommy yelled at her to come back to bed. With this happening, I got absolutely no sleep at all. She would walk to the couch and say, "IF YOU TOUCH MY TOMMY, I WILL DROP YOU WHERE YOU STAND." After that, I would slip under the covers, trying not to cry. "YOU HEAR ME, BITCH?"

"Listen... Jessica." I struggled to say her actual name. "I'm already fucking Vince. You keep Tommy, okay? He's got nothing I want."

She smiled about that. "OKAY. BUT IF YOU TRY ANYTHING..."

"I promise, dude." We shook hands and I smiled at her. "Friends?"

"I GUESS." She wandered back into hers and Tommy's cum-stained bedroom. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but I could still feel her giant moose eyes on me, seeing if I would do anything. So I was frozen in one position all night.

The next morning, Tommy nudged me, since I was in fetal position staring at the wall. Bullwinkle was in the kitchen, throwing a pan against the wall and screaming about what a slob Tommy was. He rolled his eyes, as if he was used to this type of shit from her. I smiled and hugged him, glad I had survived. Bullwinkle shot us a look and we pulled apart.


"Yes, I know." I sighed heavily. Oh wait a minute-- Vince. Where was he? I glanced around, hoping he might stumble out of a room with a groupie behind him or something. But nothing happened. "Where's Vince?" I asked Tommy.

"You don't remember last night?"

"Oh..." I sighed and pulled my knees to my chest. "But where's he at? Is he at home with Mick and Hailey?"

"We don't know. I think he's at rehab..."

"R-rehab?" My jaw dropped. "He can't be in rehab."

"Well, honey, we don't know. No one's told us anything."

My bottom lip trembled and my eyes welled up. I tried to wipe them away before Tommy could notice. "Could you take me home?" I grabbed his hand and cuddled up against him, feeling Bullwinkle give me a death-stare.

"Of course I can." He picked me up and dragged me outside. Bullwinkle chased after us screaming about how much she hated being alone. Tommy just flipped her off and pulled me into his van.

"Tommy?" I looked back at the house where Bullwinkle was ripping shit apart and yelling profanities. "What do you see in her?"

He laughed. "She's very... talented. She can shoot her cum across the fucking room. You have to see it!"

"Um, no thank you." I smiled weakly and we stopped at Tommy's house. We wrapped our arms around each other and hugged for a long time. Finally I pulled away and opened the car door slowly.

"Hey, Imogene..." He stopped me.


"Um, never mind. It's nothing. See you later." He started the car up again and sped down the road. I shrugged and walked inside, where Mick and Hailey were trying to disconnect the phone. When I asked what they were doing, they told me Vince would not stop calling. I nearly killed them.

"DON'T YOU DARE!" I swatted their hands away and the phone started ringing. Mick answered it, looking completely annoyed.

"What is it, Vince? We've told you she's not here."

I stomped my foot. "Yes I am!" Hailey slapped her hand over my mouth.

"Oh, well you're in luck. Guess who just walked in the door?" Mick said sheepishly.

"LET ME FUCKING TALK TO HER, YOU BASTARD!" I heard Vince's high pitched shriek.

"What's the magic word?"


Mick laughed and tossed me the phone as Hailey took her hand off my mouth.


"Imogene! I miss you." He had gotten his inside-voice back again.

"Where the hell are you?"

"Um, that one rehab place in town." He lowered his voice.

"You're kidding me-- why are you there?"

"The Razzle issue, remember? I'll be here for a while, then I have to spend two years in jail or somethin."

"T-two years? Are you serious? Vince, how will we make the next album?"

"Imogene, I don't know. I'm sorry! It was an accident!"

I sighed and sat on the floor. "It's okay Vince."

"No it isn't! He fucking killed someone!" Mick said.

"Shut up." I hissed. "Vince-- are you telling me the truth?"

"I don't know anyone who would lie about this kind of thing."

"Dude, you were biting into martini glasses the other day and blaming it on the waitress."

"Yeah, but I was just doing that to make her mad. Listen, I have to go do some fucking rehab shit. I love you, okay?" His voice was all small and wimpy, like some kid was talking to me, not Vince. "You hear me?"

"Yes. I love you, too. Bye." We hung up and I started to cry again. Mick sat down next to me.

"Can we disconnect the phone now?"

"No, you asshole!" I got up and walked into mine and what used to be Vince's room. Crashing on the bed, I screamed into my pillow. I rolled over on to his side and curled up, tears still streaming down my face. His smell was still contained in the sheets. The phone rang again. I jumped up and looked around. Since when was there a phone in our room? I smiled and answered it.

"Imogene, it's me again."

"Hi, Vince." I wiped my eyes.

"You sound awful! You okay?"

"I'm fine." I sighed, holding my pillow. "Vince, please come home." I looked at a pair of his leather pants on the ground. "I really don't want to do your laundry."

He laughed. "If I could, I would. I miss you already."

"It's only been one day." I smiled, laying down again.

"Hell, I know."

We talked for several hours until Mick banged on the door saying we were running up his phone bill. As soon as I put the phone down, Hailey barged in.

"So.... what were you two talking about?"

"You're so nosy." I rolled my eyes.

"It's my job."

"We didn't talk about anything. Just the regular stuff, you know?"

"That's the greatest fucking joke I've heard all day."

"Hailey, seriously. Mick's sexually deprived. Go fuck him."

"We just got finished, dumbass!" She flicked me playfully. "Come on, why are you so boring today?"

"I didn't sleep at all last night cause Bullwinkle was towering over me with a butcher knife-- answer your question?"

She thought for a moment. "Yes, it does. Anyway... with Vince gone, how are you gonna entertain yourself?"

"I'll watch Bambi over and over with Tommy, I guess."

"Ya know, there are other things you can do with Tommy aside from watching Bambi. Seeing he is a male... you can just pretend he's Vince. And from what I hear, he's got a dick the size of the Titanic."

"Go to hell!" I whacked her with a pillow.

"And Nikki told me about a little conversation he had with him."

"I don't wanna hear it, Hailey."

"Yeah you do! It's about Tommy's reproductive organs!"

"Again, Hailey. I don't care."

"You should. He's at the door right now."

"Wait-- why?"

"Bullwinkle kicked him out."

I got up and ran to the door. There stood Tommy, with a black eye and a huge cut on his cheek. Mick pulled him inside.

"Guess what? Bullwinkle is all gone." Tommy smiled, emphasizing the cuts on his lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
No more Bullwinkle.
Sorry this took so long. =(
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