You're All I Need

Chapter 45: What Happens In Prison...

I walked out the door and slid into the drivers seat of Tommy's van. Mick was gonna be so pissed at me. I started the car and sped down the road, anxious to get to the prison as soon as possible.

Along the way I passed the grocery store I had lied about going to. Guilt consumed me and I turned into the parking lot, rushing in to buy some granola bars for Tommy. So I had not completely broken the rules. I still went to do what I was told to do, right? Wrong.

Once I got to the jail, I jumped out of my car and quickly walked to the door in case Mick, Hailey, and Tommy were hiding in the bushes with machine guns. I pushed the heavy door open to a lobby with three cops sitting on couches and talking amongst themselves. I froze up. Here I was with practically no excuse with the people who had arrested my friends at least twice every week.

"Hi." I squeaked.

"Hello." One of the officers waved.

"Um-- I'm here to see Vince Neil." I looked at my feet.

"How do you know him? Are you a dealer?"

"No, sir."


"Not at all. I'm his... his sister." I lied.

The cops inspected me for a minute.

"We usually don't allow visitors. But I guess we could make an exception." The officer led me down a hallway full of cells with miserable-looking people in them. He stopped outside of one of them. "Vince?"

"Go away." I heard Vince whisper.

"We have someone here to see you."

"I hate visitors." Vince snapped angrily.

"It's a girl." The officer tapped on one of the bars.

"I hate girls."

"This one's cute."

"I don't fucking care. Leave me alone."

"Come on, Vince, level with me."

"Can I use the phone?"

The officer turned back to me. "Go right in." He nodded and opened the door. I tiptoed inside. Vince sat in a corner all huddled up. His face was dirty and unshaven, but other than that, he still had that little glow around him. I walked over and sat next to him, but he didn't look up. So I used a different tactic. I put my arms around him and hugged him until he was gasping for air.

"I'd know that rack anywhere." He laughed softly. "Imogene!" He tackled me and pinned me on the cold cell floor. The officer had left, not wanting to witness a happy reunion.

"Vince!" I tugged his hair and looked into his brown eyes. They were as amazing as always. "I missed you so much, you have no idea."

He said nothing and just stared at me for a minute, smiling. "I missed you too."

"When do you come back home?" I asked. "Are they really keeping you for seven years?"

He shook his head. "Good news-- the guys reduced it to only thirty days. Only one more month, babe."

I gasped and hugged him again, cutting off his breathing even more.

"Lots has happened since you left." I said.

"Really? Like what?"

"Tommy moved in to Mick's house. He's done with Bullwinkle." I explained. Vince sighed of relief. "But he's sharing a room with me and he took your spot on the bed." I said. His smile faded.

"You haven't fucked him, have you?"

"Nope. I would never." I beamed. "Because you're all I want."

"Good to hear that." He held me against him, closing his eyes. "Does Mick know you're here?"

I bit my lip. "Nooo. He told me not to come here, but I did anyway."

"You've learned well." Vince yawned. "This is uncomfortable. Why don't we go up to my bed?"

It wasn't even a bed. It was a little mat in the corner of the room with a thin blanket on it. Either way, we got up and migrated over to it. He pulled my shirt off my shoulder and moved in, pushing me against the wall as his mouth covered mine. From there he started to work my pants off, chewing on my bottom lip.

"You jerk." I muttered.

"What?" He grinned innocently.

"You haven't changed at all." I giggled.

"Exactly." He resumed undressing me and then got to himself. We fucked for about two hours on that sorry little excuse for a bed.

Once we were done, I got myself dressed again and dug around in my coat pocket. "I brought you something." I said softly into his ear. He propped himself up on one elbow.

"Oh, you did?" He rubbed his eyes. I pulled out a plastic bag with an eight-ball of coke in it. His eyes widened. "No way." His mouth dropped open.

"Yes way. It's all yours. Just don't get caught." I kissed him on the cheek before I left the prison and drove home, the taste of his lips still on my tongue.

I opened the door to Mick and Hailey sitting in the living room. Mick got up.

"Where the hell were you?" He yelled.

"At the grocery store, like I was supposed to."

"What did you buy?"

I held up the package of granola bars.

"That's all you got?" He stared at me.

"I'm indecisive." I shrugged. Hailey walked in.

"So you're saying it took you three hours to buy a box of granola bars?" She asked. "You look like hell, by the way."

"Thanks Hailey. That means a lot." I said sarcastically.

"Any time." She smiled.

I walked into mine and Tommy's room and saw him jumping on the bed. He stopped and looked at me.

"You were gone forever! I was so fucking bored, dude!"

"Sorry." I sighed.

"I tried to play Monopoly with Mr. Fluffykicks, but it just didn't work." He sat down.

"Sometimes I wonder about you, sir."

"Nikki came over for a minute. We got piggy-back rides from Mick."

"You idiot! You could severely injure Mick's back. When Mick is diagnosed with a horrible back disorder, it will be all your fault."

"At least he wasn't giving Vince a piggy-back. That would have killed him."

"Shut the fuck up!" I moaned.

"You look like shit, dude. Button up your pants. Fix your hair. Nice hickey." He chuckled, poking me. Then he stopped laughing. "Oh, I know where you were now."

I turned. "Yeah, the store. I was..." I thought for a moment. "Attacked by a box of cereal."

"Ha! Cereal doesn't move unless you make it move!"

"This one had a mind of its own."

"WHAT? YOU WERE AT THE PRISON FUCKING VINCE WITHOUT MICK'S PERMISSION?!" He screamed, trying to get Mick to hear me. I shoved a wrapped granola bar into his mouth to shut him up.

"Tommy, shh!"

"You're a bad kid."

"Please Tommy, keep this a secret. I missed Vince so much and I needed to see him. If Bullwinkle was in prison, what would you do?"

"I would let her rot there then collect her bones to make arrowheads to shoot her remains with," He snickered.

"Oh yeah, you're not together anymore, huh?"

"Point to your head and say Mark Twain's initials."

I pointed to my head. "MT."


"Oh, I get it. You're a fucking retard," I sighed.

"Alright, I'll keep it a secret because you're my best buddy and I don't want you to be sacrificed."


"And by the way, guess what? I love you."

"You what?"

He just giggled again. "Mark Twain's initials."
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, Tommy. <3
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I love you.