You're All I Need

Chapter 46: Fun With Nikki And Tommy

He giggled and licked my wrist. "Of course you don't. No one does. Cause no one else has ever been to Tommyland but me and my multiple personalities."

"Oh, Mr. Tommy. You little goose."

"Dude, that would be awesome. Imagine being a goose. That's like, my new dream. Aside from playing the drums while upside-down, that's right up there," He smiled. I climbed off of him and rolled my eyes. "Come on, wouldn't you wanna be a goose?"

"Why are we having this conversation?"

"Cause we can. And geese are fucking cool, dude."

"Yes, they are indeed."

"So, what do you plan to do for the rest of the evening? Cause we can't leave the house for the rest of the night, thanks to your little misadventures in Vince's pants."

"Don't mention that. Mick doesn't know."

"But Hailey does!" Hailey tiptoed through the door. "And she's going to tell Mick unless you give me her of those damn granola bars."

I tossed her the box. "This is our little secret, remember?"

"Yeah, I know. But Mick's got a pretty good idea. We all do. You don't go to the store for hours on end just to buy granola bars. You go to the jail for hours on end to give Vince a blowjob."

"I haven't gone that far yet." I said defensively.

Hailey laughed and ripped the wrapper off of the granola bar. "I'm just counting down the days."

I groaned and buried my face in the pillow. Tommy rolled over, trying to squish me. "Don't be sad, because then I'll be sad because I made my Imogene sad. And it's just a full circle of sadness, misses. So get over here. We're gonna have so much fun that it will take years of surgery to remove the smiles from our little faces."

"Get off me!" I choked. "I'm being repressed!"

"Never!" He bounced up and down. "I'm going to stay here for the rest of my life, dude."

Hailey laughed. "You two are freaks."

"You're one to fucking talk!" I gasped. "You're dating the crypt-keeper!"

"I heard that." Mick walked in.

"Why don't we play a little game? How many people can we fit in this room?" I said jokingly, trying to get Tommy off of me still. He wrapped me in a huge bear-hug and bit my neck. "FUCK, TOMMY. STOP IT!"

"No." He continued to chew on me like I was his favorite dog-toy.

"Anyway, Imogene. I came in here because you got mail." Mick tossed me an envelope. Tommy yanked it away and held it above my head.

"You have to work for it."

"What do I have to do?" I asked impatiently.

"Take your shirt off."

"Fuck you." I was finally able to kick him off and get ahold of the letter. I held it in front of Tommy's face. "Open it, please." He bit it and ripped the top off. A small piece of paper fell out and I picked it up slowly. Mick and Hailey turned and left to go do their business, leaving me and Tommy to read the letter.

"Read it to me!" Tommy demanded.

I unfolded it and some pictures of Vince's mangled car and newspaper clippings about the accident tumbled out. Tommy and I looked at each other before I read the note out loud:

Dear Imogene,

I am so sick of you lying to me all the time. You say you're going to call every day, then you don't call for months. You tell us that you're living with a couple of nice guys, then we find out you're living with Motley Crue. You say that they have values while they're snorting cocaine and doing random girls they found at Wal-Mart. You say you and Vince are only friends, then I see pictures of you two cuddling in between some bedsheets in a magazine. Then you say Vince is on a seven year business trip, and he's in prison because he's a drunk and a murderer.

I honestly don't know what to believe anymore. I'm not even going to try. We've lost you completely. You're just some Hollywood whore who I can't even relate to anymore. Good luck.

Your brother (?),

I bit my lip and ripped it in half. "Asshole." I muttered. "Who the hell does he think he is?"

Tommy stared at me. "I'm sorry." He whispered.

"It's fine." I grumbled, getting up and tossing the ripped remains into the toilet. I flushed them and walked back to the bed, complaining about how my personal life was none of his business.

"Imogene? Let's go down to the Rainbow, okay? We're gonna make you feel all better."

"I thought we weren't allowed to leave."

"And you thought I was gonna fucking listen to him?" He helped me up and hugged me. "Let's go get his wallet. We're gonna get so fucking drunk tonight. Just wait and see."

We grabbed Mick and Hailey's wallets before slipping out the door ninja-style. We crawled into Tommy's van and barreled down to Nikki's house. Nikki joined us on our little adventure and we reached the bar in about two minutes.

From there we sprinted to the bar and ordered as much as Mick and Hailey's money could get. We got plastered in minutes, then we were dancing on tables and gulping whole bottles of vodka in seconds. The bartenders would have kicked us out, but apparently we were entertaining. They ignored the others at the bar and just watched us skip around, breaking bottles over each other's heads and singing "Happy Birthday" to no one in particular. Nikki decided to start acting like a stripper and started hitting on a bunch of guys, something he would never do in his right mind. I followed his example and began pole-dancing.

Tommy got into this whole monologue on how his pants could end world hunger when someone pulled me off the bar and started yelling at me.

"What the hell are you doing?" They yelled. I shrugged and looked around.

"Duuude, I'm dancing and I'm doing pr-pretty damn good at itttt." I said to the person.

"We're going home. Right now." I recognized the voice as Hailey's. I threw my arms around her.

"I appreciate youuu, Haileyyyy. I meannnn, uhhh, what would I d-do withhhhhout you herrrre?"

"I don't even want to answer that question. Mick has Tommy and Nikki in the van already, and they're fucking hammered."

"O-okaaaay, th-that'sss great."

"Uh-huh. Come on, we gotta get you home."

"But th-these people are my friendsss." I said, struggling to keep myself upright.

"Okay, okay, come on." She dragged me out into the van again, where Mick had decided to drive us all home.

"M-Mick? Are- are you mad at usss?" Tommy asked.

"Yes. I'm very mad."


"Because you took all of our money and blew it on alcohol."

"Sooo?" I rubbed my eyes.

"That's very wrong to take money without permission."

"Oh." We all said in unison. Mick started the car and backed out of the parking space. Nikki stood up.

"Guys, fucking try thisss. It'sss funnn!" He fell backwards and landed on me.

"Okay, okay." We all got up and started "surfing" together. Mick constantly told us to sit our asses back down, but we never listened. Once we reached the house, we were all told to go to bed immediately. So we did, but we didn't go to sleep. We jumped on the bed and continued the chaos from the bar, only quietly so we wouldn't get in trouble. We got into some huge wrestling match and began slamming each other's faces into the ground repeatedly.

Then the sun began to come up. We all crawled under the bed to avoid the sun and Mick since he would be checking on us in a few minutes. Sure enough, he came and found us crammed under the bed, licking one another.

"Get up, you guys." He sighed, pulling me out by my ankle. I sat up, not even bothering to wipe Nikki's slobber off my belly-button. "Have you been up this whole time?"

"Yeah!" Tommy clapped. "But you just had to interrupt us, didn't you?"

"Yes, I did. I'm so fucking sick of this. Get up."

We snapped to attention and walked out to the kitchen with him where we ate our cereal quietly and politely. But once we got back to the room, we picked up where we left off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this took so long.
And it's like, a really long filler.
Next chapter will be nice.
Just thought I'd let you know.

Comments? Please? I love you?