You're All I Need

Chapter 48: Showers, Pain Pills, and Parties

"Imogene, come on. I was only playing." Tommy said. He had already chased me up the stairs and now we were in the middle of the hallway.

"I don't fucking care. Now Mick's all freaking out and he has a pretty good idea of what you were talking about. I'm fucking dead, dude."

"Dude, that's just fucking stupid. Being scared of Mick? Really? The worst he'll do is give you a talking-to. I just made a rhyme."

I sighed in agony. "I hate being yelled at, though."

"It's better than not being yelled at. Silence is worse, dude. You know how it is, it's all fucking bad."

I smiled despite myself. "Don't make me happy. I'm mad at you." I snapped out of it. He slipped his arms around me and nuzzled his nose against mine.

"Forgive me?" He asked, biting my bottom lip.

"Sure." I pulled away and started down the hallway back downstairs. I opened the door to the bathroom where Vince was shampooing his hair still.

"Hi!" He waved.

"You take forever. How many times have you washed your hair?"

"Hm, I think this is the fourth time."

I shook my head and sat down on the toilet seat. "Can I just hang out in here with you?"

"Of course you can. I was getting lonely." His voice was all echo-ey against the glass in the shower. I looked at the tiles. "You look sad. What the fuck is your problem? Get your ass in here and let's talk about it."

"Nothing, just Tommy nearly told on me for the whole prison incident." I shrugged.

"Ohhh, that bastard," He rinsed his hair off again and got another handful of shampoo.

"Really, Vince? Really?"

He grinned and started to work on his hair again. "THE NIGHT CHICAGO DIIIIIIEEEEED.. NANANANANANANANANAAAAAA!" He started singing as he sloshed the soap around in that platinum blond mess he called hair.

"Dude, I forgot that song even existed." I said.

"It's been stuck in my head all morning," He winked. "BROTHER WHAT A FIGHT IT REALLY WAS... GLORY BEEEEEEEEEE!" He twirled around glamorously.

I giggled. "You're so flamboyant."

"Of course I am. I could be a fucking pinata, that's how damn flamboyant I am."

"Finish up in there, would you? Mick's gonna get mad about wasting water."

"Oh, I'm so fucking scared." He said sarcastically. "See, hair like mine takes time and precision."

"Vince, your hair's turning brown again. I think you're washing all the dye out."

He gasped and shut the shower off. "Get me a towel." He demanded. I got him a random pink towel that was hung up against the door. He stepped out of the shower and examined himself in the mirror. "You liar. My hair is as white as it ever was."

I shrugged and twirled his dripping hair around my finger. Someone knocked on the door. "Imogene, are you in there?" Mick asked.

"Yes I am." I replied, sliding my hand down Vince's side.

"And why?"

"Cause I want to be. Go away." I replied. Vince nodded at me approvingly. As soon as we were sure Mick had left, Vince handed me the towel.

"Dry me off. I refuse to do it myself." He sniffed.

"You're a filthy man whore." I stared at him. "Get some pants on, okay?"

"Not till you dry me off."

I opened the door a crack. "Tommy! Wanna do me a favor?"

Tommy was at the door in two seconds flat. "You know how I love favors, Imogene. I love doing favors. What's the favor?"

I tossed him the towel. "Dry Vince off for me?"

He stared at me in disbelief. "For real?"


"No!" Vince protested.

"Okay, so you want me to dry Vince's dick using Hailey's towel?" Tommy asked.

"That's Hailey's towel?" I looked at it.


"Shit." I sighed. "Well, never mind, Tommy. Thanks anyway." I turned back to Vince. "Get yourself dressed."

"Well, actually, Imogene, I was thinking..." He slipped his wet arm around my shoulders. "Even though I'm clean now, I don't mind getting dirty again-- if you know what I mean." He said flirtatiously. I rolled my eyes.

"Not now, Vince," I said. "I have a better idea."

"Oh? And what might that be?" He asked, pouting.

"We have your mystical return party tonight. We could easily sneak away, it's not like anyone will notice. Mick and Hailey will be doing their thing, and Tommy's met some girl named Honey or something slutty like that. As for Nikki, he'll be hiding somewhere or breaking stuff."

That little pouty look turned into a Steven Tyler smile. "Hm. I like this."

"Me too."

"Hey, I have a question for you, missy." He picked me up and set me on the bathroom counter next to the sink. "When are you gonna fucking turn 18? I'm so sick of this being illegal. I'm so ready to just pull a Ted Nugent and adopt you."

"Put some clothes on." I laughed. "Come on, just a few more days. You can wait."

"Dude, it's a whole month away."

"That's not very long. Be patient. And what is up with us and comparing things to Ted Nugent?"

"I don't know, dude. I don't know." He grinned, pulling some pants on. Finally. "So, what should we do until then? I'm so fucking bored."

"What do we normally do when we're bored?" I asked, rubbing his arm.

"You know what I'm gonna say." He pushed the door open and we walked into the kitchen.

"I'll make you something." I kissed him on the cheek before walking to the fridge. "What do you want?"

"Um, anything with alcohol in it."

I nodded and was able to find Mick's secret vodka stash. There must have been like, eighteen bottles of that shit in there. I grabbed the one that was running on empty and tossed it to Vince.

"This is it?"

"Hey, you're lucky you're getting anything." I walked over and sat next to him. "You want anything mixed in?"

"Nope, I'm good. Hey, would you happen to know where Mick keeps his pain-killers?" He winked.

I giggled. "Yes."

"You think you could, you know, get me one?" He lowered his voice.

"Sure." I got up and walked over to the medicine cabinet. The pills were at the very back of the top shelf, so I had to climb the counter to reach them. I grabbed them, got down, and shut the doors.

"Imogene, what are you doing?" Mick stood behind me.

"Oh nothing. My head hurts, so I was getting an aspirin, that's all. You need something?" I put the pill bottle behind my back.

"Yeah, my back is killing me. You think you could get me my pills?"

Vince spat his vodka across the room.

"You're cleaning that up!" I yelled at him. "Yeah, I could get your pills, one second..." I bit my lip and reluctantly handed him the bottle. The look on his face read, Really, Imogene? Really?

"Thanks." He grumbled, walking away. I looked at Vince.

"A sleeping pill would work too." He smiled sheepishly.

I sighed. "You got it." I climbed up again and got Vince's special request.

After he downed the bottle of vodka and took the pill, Mick walked in again and told us to get ready to leave. Vince nudged me carefully and asked why we were leaving so early.

"I don't know, maybe because he wants us to have more time together."

"No. That's not it." Hailey shook her head. "You two are going to bed early."

"B-b-but no!" Vince stood up. "You heartless wench!"

Hailey simply smiled and walked away, glad she was assisting Mick in making Vince's life living hell.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dude. Two fucking months since the last time I updated this.
Sorry it's so short.
I'm saving the party for next chapter. ;)
Sooo, in that case... comments?