You're All I Need

Chapter 5: My Best Friend Tommy

Once I got home, I noticed Brandon's suitcase all packed. "Where are you going?" I asked him, looking at it.

"Home. I saw Tommy, and now I gotta leave." He smiled.

"Oh yeah," I sighed. "I'm gonna miss you."

"We'll keep in touch, Listen, I got you a present. I brought to much money." He pulled me outside into the parking lot and pointed to a shiny new red Pantera. I gasped.

"I-is it mine?" I stuttered.

"It's all yours." We hugged one more time and he left, leaving me alone. I walked back into the room and got dressed, then drove to some modeling agency down the street to try my luck. I showed them some pictures from when I modeled for department stores back in my hometown. They said it wasn't the right time, and sent me on my way. I tried a bunch of others, too, and got the same response. I began to doubt myself, and I drove down to the Motley house.

Surprisingly, only Tommy was there. He was sitting on Nikki's bed and watching some Disney movie on a miniature TV.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Mick doesn't live here, and Nikki and Vince are picking up some chicks that work at grocery stores." He explained.

"Why grocery stores?"

"Cause they give us free food. We can't afford it." He said. "Fuck, this movie is boring." He switched it off. "What do you want to do?" He hopped off the bed and walked towards me.

"How about..." I thought for a moment. "Hide and seek?"

"THAT IS MY FUCKING FAVORITE GAME!" He yelled. "You count first!" He dashed away before I could start counting. I sighed and began counting slowly.

"Ready or not, here I come!" I warned.

"I like the sound of that!" I heard him respond. I laughed and took off towards the bedrooms, but there was no trace of him. So I went into the bathroom, but couldn't stay in there for more than 2 seconds, because it was so awful in there. Then I went to the kitchen. I heard a small giggle, but wasn't sure where it was coming from.

"BOO!" Tommy jumped out of a cabinet and grabbed my legs. I screamed.

"Tommy, you gave me a flippin heart attack!" I punched his shoulders. He laughed and fell back, pulling me with him. "My turn to hide now. I got up and ran as he started counting. I rolled under Nikki's bed and took a deep breath. I heard him walk around the house and swear every time he looked somewhere and couldn't find me. Then finally he walked into Nikki's room.

He began singing "The Wheels On The Bus" in a high-pitched obnoxious voice. I burst out laughing and he pulled my out by my legs. The game continued like this until we got bored, then we started playing tag. Then Tommy broke something and we quit that game pretty fast. We did more and more destructive things until we got tired and fell onto Nikki's bed. We were like childhood best friends by the time Nikki got home.

Nikki had a grocery bag full of food in his arms and he set it on the ground. I snatched it up before Tommy could grab it. "We have to save it," I told them. Nikki laid on the bed with us and we turned on "Mad Max."

Vince walked in about two hours later with 3 bags of food. We saved that too.

"Where did you get all that?" Tommy's eyes were huge.

"I have ways." Vince winked at us.

"Fucked every bitch in the store." Nikki mumbled.

"I heard that." Vince snapped.

"We have a problem," I said quickly.

"And what might that be?" Nikki grabbed a notebook and began working on a song he started two days earlier.

"Where will I sleep?" I asked.

"You can sleep with me! We'll kick Tommy out!" Vince raised his hand quickly and started to drag me to his room. "Let's go!"

"I have a spare mattress in my room." Nikki said, not looking up from his song. Vince started pouting and throwing a little hissy fit.

"Fuck you, Nikki."

"Love you too, Vince."

I changed the subject before the argument got ugly. "What do you want for dinner?"