You're All I Need

Chapter 6: Takeout

"Oh, oh!" Vince raised his hand again, flapping it wildly.

"We want TAKEOUT!" Tommy screamed, jumping up.

"TAKEOUT!" Nikki hopped up too. Vince yelled and bounced off the couch too. I giggled.

"Takeout it is." I smiled at them. "Alright. I'll go get all my stuff together at my room and on the way back we'll get takeout." I gave in. "Any volunteers?"

Vince raised his hand but Tommy was already on the way out.

"Fuck Tommy. He always gets his way... stupid little brat." He muttered under his breath.

"You gotta stop with the hand raising," I told him, walking outside. Tommy and I got into the car and drove to the hotel room. When we opened the door, we got right to work and started packing up my stuff for the second time this week. But Tommy seemed astounded.

"What?" I asked.

"It's so clean in here." He stared.

"Alright." I shook my head and continued packing. I clipped the case shut and grabbed some money to get food for the boys. We walked back out to the car. Tommy balanced the suitcase on his lap and as we were driving to McDonald's, I heard him burst out laughing.

"What is it?"

"Your panties are in here!" He giggled, pointing to the suitcase on his lap. I started giggling too. When we got to McDonald's, he jumped out of the car like an excited child. Once we got in, we ordered probably double the amount we needed in case Mick wanted to come over.

We walked out of the fast food restaurant holding the bags like war-puppies. When we got to the house, we sorted the food out evenly and began eating. Suddenly the phone rang, so I picked it up.


"Who the fuck is this?!" Some crazy chick on the other line screamed in my ear.

"This is Imogene..."

"Who are you sleeping with?"

"Nobody, I'm their roommate." I responded.

"Yeah, right. No girl stays with Motley without getting defiled!" She hissed. I was starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Dude, who are you looking for?" I asked.

"Nikki!" I handed the phone to him and leaned back on the couch as Tommy started to shove as many fries as he could into my mouth.

"Tommy, dude- stop it." I said when my mouth had reached full capacity. Nikki's conversation with the bitchy girl went a little bit like this:

"Hello?… Oh, hey babe, I… no! She’s just a roommate! She… Tommy brought her home and… no, she’s not fucking Tommy!… Of course it’s possible… okay… bye." He hung up on her and smashed his head into the couch. “What a bitch.” He spat.

"Who was that, anyway?" I started to return the favor to Tommy, only with his cheeseburger.

"Catherine." Vince said. "Nikki's girlfriend."

"Ooooh!" I exclaimed.

"God, I fucking hate her."

Just then, Mick walked in the door with a pretty brunette.

“Hey, Rose.” All the guys waved at them. She waved back.

“Rosie, this is Imogene.” Mick motioned towards me.

“Hi!” She stuck out a perfectly manicured hand out towards me. I shook it politely. “So whose girlfriend are you?” She asked. I told her I was just a roommate and she started giggling for ages. Then she noticed no one else was laughing with her. “Oh, you’re serious?”

I explained to her about Brandon and the whole thing. She laughed and said she felt sorry that I had to live with such filthy people. By the end of the day, we were great friends.
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