You're All I Need

Chapter 7: The Bar

Days flew by like minutes in the Motley House and not a single thought of leaving ever crossed my mind. The house remained filthy and every time I saw a cockroach, I screamed and one of the guys would come in armed with hairspray and a lighter. I did all the cooking for the guys out of the little food we could afford and every day the boys would say, “What would we do without you?”

Tommy and I were inseparable and we would spend all our time stealing Disney movies and watching them on Nikki’s little TV. Vince and I had also become closer as he went from girl to girl, and he never missed a chance to grab my ass or one of my boobs. Mick only came around rarely because the Motley House disgusted him. Nikki was always writing songs or causing trouble with Tommy while I was telling Vince about the personal bubble concept.

Sometimes I would come home and Nikki would run past me, completely on fire. He would have lighter fluid running down his pants and staining the floor. Then I would see the others chasing after him, laughing. When I asked them what they were doing they simply replied, “Practicing.” They had already recorded one album called “Too Fast For Love” and they had their own copy at home. I would play it over and over on Tommy’s record player until Vince told me to “Turn the damn racket off.” So I would turn it up even louder until one of them would come out and turn it off for me, but I turned it back on again.

Then a week after I moved in, Tommy got a phone call from his girlfriend Bullwinkle. (Her name is Jessica or something, but they call her Bullwinkle cause she looks like a moose.)

"Hello?" He answered it. I could hear the response perfectly, because the girl was so loud.

"HI TOMMY IT'S ME I'LL BE OVER IN FIVE!" She yelled. All of their faces went white as she hung up.

"Nikki, Vince- go to the bar and bring Imogene with you. You know how Bullwinkle is." He got up and pushed us out the back window, because Vince had this fear that Bullwinkle was hiding out in the front yard. I forced Nikki into the trunk of the car because it only had two seats. Vince sat there and stared at the car in open-mouthed wonder. He began running his hands along the sides.

"Vince, get in the damn car!"

"Whoa." He opened the door, shut it, then opened it again and got in. He said nothing and began examining the seats and everything. When we got to the bar, I got Nikki out and started walking in. But Vince was missing. I saw him still in the car, touching everything.


"I wanna stay in here for a bit. I'll be right in."

Nikki rolled his eyes and began walking in. I followed him and we made our way through the doors. There was a pretty long line and we began waiting. Vince joined us a couple minutes later.

"Out of your state of shock?" Nikki asked him.

"Mmmhhhmmm." He looked back out the window at the car. Once the line ended, I followed them up to the bar, running into them when they stopped suddenly. They were having a stare-down with four guys sitting at one of the tables. They looked like little Motley wannabees.

"Poison." Nikki growled.

"Who?" I asked.

Vince turned to me. "You will not speak to them, make eye contact with them, and you will DEFINITELY not fuck them."

"Okay, mom." I said. I looked over at one of them who had blonde, fluffy hair, just a bit longer than Vince's. He was watching me too. He winked at me as I slipped on to one of the bar-stools. Nikki and Vince ordered some Jack Daniels and I watched them get hammered in seconds, laughing at the drunken things they were saying. All of the sudden, I heard the scraping of a chair against the wood floor. I turned and saw the guy from Poison making his way towards me. I bit my lip.

"Hey, pretty lady." He said in a soft voice. I looked up into his eyes. One rule broken.

"Hey," I replied. Two rules broken. How bout we break number three...?

"Wanna come home with me and ditch these losers?" He motioned towards Nikki and Vince, who were arguing over who had the best scar on their cheek, though they didn't have scars on their cheeks...

"Nice of you to offer, but I'm on babysitting duty. Maybe next time I see you?" I smiled at Nikki, who just punched Vince in the face.

"O-okay. N-n-n-now you have the best scarrrrr." Nikki muttered.

The blonde guy laughed. "I'm Bret by the way. Bret Michaels." He introduced himself with perfect suavity. “That’s my band, Poison. If you ever want to hang out with a real band, just look for us.” He winked at me, turned around and left with the rest of Poison.

"What- what did I jussssst say?" Vince pointed at me. "Don't- don't talk to those bastardsss." He slurred.

"I'm sorry, Vince." I said, wiping some drool off his cheek.

"Ssss okay." I sighed. The bartender told me to bring the two home because he had never seen anyone get so drunk so fast. I nodded and brought them out to the car. When we got home, Tommy still had Bullwinkle in his room, so I put Vince in Nikki's room, where they fell asleep the moment their heads hit the pillows. I needed to leave the house before Tommy and Bullwinkle came out, and luckily Rose came to my rescue.
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I have nothing against Poison! I love them! Just thought a little rivalry would be nice. COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT