You're All I Need

Chapter 8: Vince's Way

We hopped into her car and drove off to the mall.

"So," She smiled at me.

"Yeah? What's with that grin? It's scaring me." I laughed, brushing my hair out of my face.

"What's up with you and Vince?" She asked, her smile got bigger.

"Vince?" I looked at her.

"You know- kinda short, platinum blonde, lead singer, likes to touch things-"

"Yeah, I know who he is, but what about him, Rose?" I asked, glancing back at the road, trying to avoid all awkwardness.

"Well, I've seen the way you two look at each other."

"Ahem? He's the one that looks at me! I have to teach him about personal space six times a day." I responded.

"I'm talking about the way you look back at him. And how red you get when he grabs your butt. Don't deny it, you love it. You love him in general."

"Alright, I don't know where you're getting this from. And Rose, all the Motley guys are just friends. And you know, Vince kinda scares me."

"In a good way."

"Oh, shut up." I sighed.

"You liiiike him." He said again.

"Rose, I don't."

"You keep telling yourself that. Man whores seem to be your type." She turned her gaze back to the road, still smiling obnoxiously. And even though that conversation was like one two 5th grade kids would have, it still pissed me off... yet I had no clue why.

When we did get to the mall, we completely forgot about the Vince conversation and I bought myself a new leather jacket. (I let Tommy borrow it, and to say "it's ruined" is an understatement.) We spent two hours there and we walked out of the mall laughing so hard our ribs would have split if we didn't stop in time. She drove me home and dropped me off, then headed back home to Mick.

"Hello?" I looked around the empty house. "Nikki? Vince? Tommy?"

"DAVID!" I heard someone call out.

"We're in here!" Vince yelled back.

"Who the hell is David?"

"Ahahahahaha," Vince laughed in response. I shrugged and walked into the bedroom, tripping on someone. There sat David Lee Roth of Van Halen doing blow on the floor.

"Dude..." David slurred. "T-there's an angel... in your room, you guys. Are you seeing this?" He got up and his hand skimmed my neck. I sighed. One of my heroes had just called me an angel.

Suddenly, we all heard a cracking sound; the mirror David was sitting in front of fell and smashed over his head. David looked up for a brief second and then went back to his smack as if nothing had happened. We all laughed and I suddenly yawned, even though it was only eleven.

"Oh, you know what this means?" Nikki looked around after he saw me yawn.

"Um- time to go watch Bambi?" I asked, yawning again.

"It's somebody's bedtime!" Tommy screeched.

"Come on, you got school tomorrow."

"No no no no no no no no no no no!" I stomped my foot and another yawn escaped me. Tommy picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I beat his back with my fists and yelled at him to put me down. He ignored me and threw me on my bed, pinning me with one arm as he forced a blanket on to me. I kicked him softly.

"Alright, if you fight any more, I'm gonna send Vince in here to deal with you..." He grinned suspiciously and let out an evil laugh. "His way!"

I glanced over at the doorway. Vince stood there smiling. He winked at me. "Be right there, let me grab a rubber."

"I'll be good Tommy! Don't let him deal with me... his way!" I begged.

"Then go to sleep, baby."

"Okay, you win." I pouted. He kissed me on the cheek and returned to the room. Vince didn't move from the doorway, looking disappointed.

"Huh- you would have liked it." He shook his head at me.

I sighed. "Goodnight, Vince. I love you." I laughed quietly, rolling onto my side.

"If you really loved me, you'd have let me deal with you my way."

"Oh, shut up." I smiled back at him and drifted off to sleep as he stood there, watching me.
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Comment! And I wanna say "I love you" to the two following users...

Kiss Me Deadly

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