Pandora's Box

I Know I'll Regret It Forever

Over the next couple of hours Aubrey had met some art contacts and had some potential clients for when she came back from Miami. She wandered around the house trying to find Zacky or anyone who might know where he was.

Stepping outside she spotted Rev sitting by the pool with his back to her, as she got closer she noticed Zacky next to him.

"So I figured you and Aubrey would be inseparable on your last night together?" she heard Jimmy ask.

Zacky shrugged, "Cam was introducing her to new clients or some shit."

Jimmy nodded, "Maybe it's a good thing she's focused on her career. It takes the pressure off you guys."

Zacky leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, "If anything it puts more pressure on us. It's like we have to schedule time to be together. This is the first tour that she's not come on since we started dating."

"I can't argue with wanting your girl on the road with you," Jimmy took a sip of his beer.

Aubrey shifted uncomfortably, and was about to make her presence known when Zacky opened his mouth.

"I think her and Ami might hook up while she's out there."

Aubrey's mouth dropped open.

"What makes you say that?" Jimmy asked what she had been thinking.

Zacky shrugged, "If your relationship with someone is just because you have 'good chemistry' or whatever then surely sparks fly and shit and stuff happens?"

Jimmy shrugged, "I don't think Aubrey would cheat on you though, man. She loves you."

"She loved Ami."

Jimmy shook his head, "Stop winding yourself up man, it'll ruin tour for you. There will be plenty of things to take your mind off Ami and Aubrey."

Zacky laughed, "Something tells me we'll be going to a lot of fucking strip clubs."

Aubrey turned on her heel and fled into the house. How could he think that? She pushed her way through the crowd, not caring who she was shoving out of the way. Suddenly she was stopped when she crashed into a muscular chest covered in a red shirt.

"Hey, where are you going in such a hurry?"

She looked up to see Matt with a small smile on his face, "Nowhere, I mean... I don't know. Home. I think."

He placed his hands on her shoulders, "Calm down, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," Aubrey shook her head, "Nothing, I just have an early flight in the morning."

"I'll drive you."

"You don't have to, I'll just call a cab. Really, you shouldn't have to leave your own party," Aubrey moved out of his grip.

"It's not a problem," Matt took her hand and guided her out to his car.

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