Pandora's Box

I Know That She's Lonely

Sid had offered to give me a ride to the airport but now, sitting in the passenger seat of his beat up old Civic, I was starting to wish I had gotten a cab.

"So what went down last night?"

I shifted my gaze from the passing scenery, "Huh?"

"The Halloween party? You and Zacky's last night together before you both leave?" his raised eyebrows emphasised his questions.

"Oh, uh, you know," I shrugged.

What was I supposed to say, my boyfriend is still being weird with me and, oh yeah, I slept with one of his best friends?

"I don't actually, which is why I'm asking you. Are things with Zacky really that bad?" he glanced over at me.

I wriggled down further into my seat, "I think we just need some space, some time not so involved in each others life."

"Do you really think that? Cause you sound like you're trying to convince yourself as much as you are me."

I ran my hand down my face and sighed, "It's too early in the morning to analyse my relationship Sid."

He chuckled and shook his head, "That's only one relationship. What about you and Ami?"

I groaned, "He's my ex-boyfriend who happens to be an old boss with a spot at his shop that needs to be filled. It's not complicated."

"Oh yeah, It's really fucking straight forward," he laughed, "What am I going to do without all your drama for two weeks?"

"Maybe you should think about dealing with some of your own," I suggested.

"Well look who's had her bitch-mix this morning!"

"I wish you were coming to Miami," I laughed.

"Me too. Think I could fit in your luggage?" he asked.

My eyes ran down his tall, skinny frame, "Nope, I don't think Adam would be too stoked about losing both his tattoo artists."

"I guess not," Sid mused, "This is going to be the suckiest two weeks ever."

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