Pandora's Box

I'm Watching You

Ami glanced at the door for the hundredth time that day. Aubrey was meant to be arriving soon and he was looking forward to seeing his friend again.

"What time does her flight get in?" his friend and colleague, Garver, sat down next to him.

Ami shrugged, "She left L.A. early this morning."

"Aubrey not here yet?" Chris, Ami's business partner, stood in front of his colleagues, glancing at his watch.

As if on cue the door to the tattoo shop opened; a short, curvaceous redhead on the other side.

"Hey guys," Aubrey smiled, placing the duffel bag in her hand on the floor.

As Chris and Garver engulfed her in hugs Ami stood back and looked over his ex-girlfriend. The silky purple camisole and dark jeans she wore accentuated her figure and complimented her swept up dark red hair.

"Don't I get a hello, boss?" she asked with a grin.

Ami smirked and opened his muscular arms, "Welcome back Red."

"It's good to be back," Aubrey stepped into his embrace.

"So how's the OC been treating you?" Chris asked as Ami and Aubrey parted.

She shrugged and pushed her dark-framed glasses further up her nose, "It's been treating me pretty well but it feels good to be back in Miami."

"It's good to have you back, even if it's just for a little while," Graver smiled as he draped his arm around her shoulders.

"Did you bring your portfolio with you?" Ami asked.

Aubrey smiled as she rifled through her bag, "Always about the work."

"That's why I'm the boss," he smirked.

She thrust the slim black book full of photographs and drawings of her work into his hand and the rest of the guys stood around him to take a look.

"Damn, these are pretty good," Chris smiled.

"Glad to know you had such faith in me," Aubrey laughed.

"Hey, remember I taught this girl all she knows," Ami nodded at Aubrey as he studied the folio, "Alright, I guess we should get you set up and start working."

Aubrey mock saluted him, "Yes, Sir."

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