Pandora's Box

You're The Star Of This Movie

"So this Zacky guy, apart from being an ass about your job, he treats you alright?" Ami asked as he walked home with me.

I pulled my jacket tighter around my body, "He's not an ass about my job, just the traveling thing. He's really great," I smiled awkwardly.

"You guys pretty serious?"

I shrugged, "We've only been together a little over seven months. I like him, I mean I could love him but, I don't know. All this bad feeling between us puts a bit of a downer on things."

And when you think you might love someone you don't cheat on them, I silently scolded myself.

"Are you willing to stick with him and work through this rough patch?" Ami asked.

"I'd like to but I get the feeling that it's going to get a hell of a lot worse before it gets any better," I sighed,

He glanced over at me, "That's a little pessimistic don't you think?"

I opened my mouth to tell him exactly how I knew my relationship with Zacky was doomed. Closing my mouth quickly I decided against it. Although I trusted Ami I couldn't bring myself to tell him about Matt, he already knew things about me that no one else did and I didn't want the fact that I'd cheated on my boyfriend to be one of them.

I shrugged his question off, "I guess I'm just not feeling too positive right now."

We reached the front of my temporary home and I searched my pockets for my keys.

"I'll see you bright and early in the morning?" Ami asked with a sly grin.

"Yeah, I live for eighteen hour days," I scoffed as I slid the key in the lock.

"Bye Red," he waved as he continued down the street.

Locking the front door behind me I dumped my crap in the hallway and traipsed towards the bedroom.

Setting the alarm clock I lay back on the bed, maybe work was what I needed to take my mind off Zacky.

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