Pandora's Box

The Hate

Zacky sighed as he flipped his cellphone shut and tossed it onto the couch in the back lounge of the tour bus.

"Voicemail again?" asked Jimmy.

"I'm beginning to think I'm dating Aubrey's answering service and not her," Zacky huffed as he sat down next to his friend.

"You need to get laid man," Brian laughed softly from his position on the couch opposite.

"I need to have a fucking conversation with my girlfriend," Zacky grumbled.

The three of them sat in relative silence, the sound of the rest of the band's conversation filtering through from the front of the bus.

"We play Orlando soon, right?" Zacky asked.

Brian nodded, "Day after tomorrow. Why?"

"Orlando's not too far from Miami," Zacky mused.

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