Pandora's Box

Hanging In The Balance

"So, going on tour with the rockstar?"

I looked up from packing away my tattoo machine to see Ami perched on the chair opposite me.

I rolled my eyes, "Don't start."

"Start what? Start on about how you're already sacrificing your career for this guy? Or that you're already letting him make decisions about your life for you?"

I stopped what I was doing and looked at him, "I'm not sacrificing anything. Don't be so fucking dramatic. I'm going on a tour I would've been going on at some point anyway."

"Whatever," Ami threw his hands up and stood, heading for the back office.

I stood up, my hands on my hips, "Don't talk shit about me then walk away."

"I'm not talking shit, I'm telling the truth," he turned around.

"Now you really are talking shit. You don't know anything about me, my relationship with Zacky or my life. So don't sit up there on your pedestal and judge me," I fumed.

Ami took a couple of steps closer and pointed at me, the muscles in his arm flexing, "You're just pissed because someone is telling you exactly what you don't want to hear. You're mad because you're slowly realising that you're turning into the kind of woman you swore you'd never be."

I blinked slowly, almost wishing that it was that simple. That the kind of woman I didn't want to be was who he thought I was - a woman who did as she was told and didn't ask questions.

If only he knew that I had turned into the kind of person I detested - a liar and a cheat.

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