Pandora's Box

The Heat

Matt's fingers drummed a random beat on the steering wheel as he and Val drove home from Jimmy's. He couldn't help but let his mind wander back to Aubrey and how hot she looked in that tiny little bikini.

The emerald green of the small pieces of fabric had matched her eyes perfectly. The way her long, red fiery hair fell from her shoulders in soft curls. How her tattoos followed the curve of her waist and flowed onto her hips and stomach, the intricate and eclectic designs revealing something new every time he studied them.

Images of Zacky with his hands on her soft, sun-kissed skin flashed in his mind and he unconsciously tightened his grip on the steering wheel. It wasn't fair that Aubrey was with him, Matt didn't have a valid reason other than that he wanted her for himself but it was still how he felt.

He remembered how she had been so gentle and careful when tattooing him earlier in the day, the way she would almost caress his skin as she dragged the needle along it, making the pain so much easier to bear.


He turned his head, suddenly realising Val was talking to him, "Huh?"

"I said Zacky and Aubrey looked really cozy today. He seems to be pretty bummed that she's not coming on tour," Val repeated for him.

Matt nodded and returned his focus back to the road, "Yeah."

Zacky wasn't the only one bummed Aubrey wouldn't be joining them.

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