
The Story

One by one, they fell around me. The roar of chainsaws slicing through them all around me, then the thunderous crash of them hitting the soft forest floor. My companions in this peace were, one by one, leaving me to be the last one standing. Ready to fall.
The amazing height that I had grown to was normal for my companions and I. We all had just existed there. The wind just ran past us, rain fell around us, and the sun beat on us. Their screams echoed across the land. The small, moving creatures with chainsaws moved along he ground from which we grew and attacked.
After several of us fell, huge machines came roaring into the forest. It would clamp onto the base of one of us and bring it down to the ground. The animals of the forest fled as quickly as they could as we fell, one after another. The creatures would all avoid my trunk as my companions fell. The younger one of us were run over by the machines. The sun became brighter, and moved like a wall with the machines, exposing the ground. Behind the machines cutting us down, others behind them picked the ones of us who fell and put them onto another machine, taking them away from our home.
All around me fell, but somehow I remained. The creatures did not fall me to the ground, like I was expecting. The bird of the forest who noticed sat upon my limbs, as a safe spot from the creatures and machines, but also to comfort me as my life long companions fell with screams of pain around me. Birds, squirrels, and small animals rested within my branches. The larger animals, deer, bear and so on just looked for a second before running away.
After an infinite amount of creatures and machines went on past, the screams eventually ended as time had revealed that I was the only one standing. The height, which I had loved, I was slightly fearing since now I was alone.
After what seemed like years, other creatures, like the ones who took my companions away, came with small saplings. They opened the earth and rested the young ones into the loving earth. Now, I had new companions. After many more years, the young ones grew and the animals of the forest returned to once again live among us again.
As the circle of life continues, my time upon this ground was coming to an end. The young ones were now as tall as I. The forest animals have now all returned to their homes. My old companions were being reborn around me as younger ones of us. They asked me one day if I would return, and I promised that I would. I promised the soil, the wind, and the rest of us that I would see them again.
Lightning then came again and struck my limbs. Fire blazed upon my branches. A few of the young ones were slightly burned as I fell, but the rain kept them safe as my limbs and trunk burned.
The next spring, I fulfilled my promise, and returned as a young one to the same spot from which I fell, so I could return to the heights with the rest of us.
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