Status: Chapter one is here... chapter two is coming


When demon birds start attacking you, you know its bad.

My eyes fluttered, and I saw the magnificent face of Felixz looming above me, I shivered with delight and deadly fear. I couldn't stand it so I shut my eyes. Something brushed across my shoulder, I scowled, whatever it was, was ruining my moment. Then I heard the babble of voices “usually this doesn't happen when...” they trailed off “she shouldn't have fainted, the girl Arianna didn't” “yes, but did Felixz go to her?” “no, Luka was training her.” “and she didn't faint?” “no, but Felixz is going to see her, to see if she does faint” whoa... I was the only one who fainted? Well why are they making such a fuss over it? I just fainted, it's not that big a deal. “oh, I think she's waking up” umm, yea I was, one problem though, I couldn't move ANYTHING I tried to lift my arm and it wouldn't budge, I tried to scowl in frustration, and I couldn't do that either, the only thing I could move was my eyes. And I didn't want to open them. This was all so frustrating, because I wanted to jump into his arms and kiss him, tangle my hands in his hair. I was not afraid of him, and I knew that I should be. He was so irresistible and yummy! I wanted to be with him so much, I almost couldn't stand it. I tried to twitch my hands again, this time it felt like they were almost moving, but not quite. I winced in frustration instead of balling my hands into fists like I usually did.
I don't know how long I lied there, waiting impatiently for him to return. Sometimes trying to move my limbs, but they never responded, and after what felt like forever I heard the crunch in the grass, and the fear that the huge black dog placed into the deepest crevice of my heart. I heard the swift snap of a cloak, and then his voice filled the air. “she doesn't have any reaction to me whatsoever” the melodic, smooth satin voice said. “that is very strange indeed” said the lady who had been trying to heal me. “maybe it has something to do with him and Me...” she trailed off, because I felt him tense in frustration, irritation, and anger. She shut up right away after that. I felt cool hands running along my face, then lifting them up into his arms. I shivered, inside of course since I couldn't move a muscle. Then his silky voice flowed into my ear. “Hairo Haile” he said, and I automatically felt obvious control over myself again, I flung my arms around his neck and put my head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat I sighed with contentment, this was all I would ever need. He stiffened again, I was reluctant to draw my hands away again, but I did. He gently set me down. “none of that” he whispered then repeated himself “none of that” almost like he was scolding a child, and scolding himself at the same time. His eyes trained on my face and his head bent as if to kiss me, but he jerked away at the last second. He walked away in a trance and told the woman, “I'm going to have Luka come and train her... I will train Arianna” What? He was leaving me? I almost wailed, the grief that thought brought was unbelievable. I didn't want to touch him again, afraid that he would tense up. I sat down on the grass and sulked as he walked to his gigantic dog and flew away, it felt like someone had stabbed me and they were just digging the knife deeper and deeper into my heart. It was unbearable. Gularad came and laid his huge head in my lap. It didn't even fit, I almost laughed. But my grief was too much. If this was love... then I wanted nothing to do with it, the joy of seeing him was wonderful. But when he left? It was just too much. I know its ridiculous to think im in love with him when i didnt even know him, but he was perfect. Maybe I was just experiencing extreme lust. I stroked Gularad's now golden head and sighed. “why?” I moaned “we will work it through” Gularad said, I didn't believe him, stuff like this was just unworkable.
About half and hour later a huge bear rushed into the clearing, I mean it was humongous, about as big as the dog. It was all blue too a really pretty color of blue, like baby blue but softer more light. I gasped in amazement, it was all blue with webs in between its claws, Blue webbed wings that were obviously made for swimming but could be used for flying. It didn't have a tail like a bears either, it was more like an otters tail, strong and powerful, it could probably crush bones with one little flick ( I really wouldn't want to tick this guy off...). I shivered, the bears fangs had to be twice as long as the almost Cerberus. “Luka! It is so nice to see you again!” cried the woman who had been talking to Felixz. A blue figure jumped off of the bears back and started walking towards the woman he nodded at her, a sign that he had heard and accepted her greeting. I didn't think that he talked that much.
When he was within a foot of us he threw back his hood and revealed shockingly bright blue hair, and deep blue eyes, everything about him seemed blue but beautiful. When he started talking my eyes were drawn to his mouth and I saw two perfectly white sharp fangs protruding from it, they were small. But enough to rip and tear. He switched his gaze towards me, and I felt pulled into... something indescribable. But suddenly I wanted to learn, how to fight, to rip, to tear, to win. The power he put on me was amazing. I marveled at my new instinct. He nodded in approval then the most beautiful voice in the universe flowed out of his mouth, yes it was even more astonishing than Felixz's. Just more deep and powerful, more like that of a king's. But I didn't love Luka like I loved Felixz. he was still incredible, he just wasn't my Felixz.
“We will begin immediately” he said. I nodded, incapable of speaking because his voice was so majestic. “Come, stand in front of me.” I did as he told me. He placed his hands on my shoulders and looked deeply into my eyes, and sighed. “yes, you have great potential. Just like...” he trailed off. Luka shook his head and looked at the woman. “Karen, please... resume your former duty” he said, and waved his hand as one who was in charge. “But Luka, I am...” she argued Luka interrupted her abruptly, his voice rising in annoyance “no, go now” “yes” she sighed and vanished without another word. I stood up a little straighter, I definitely wanted to learn how to do that, just POOF into thin air. I thought it was magic. But Luka said differently “Luka, am I going to learn how to do that?” I asked. He chuckled “soon enough you will, be patient” I quivered. “Is it magic?” I said, and my eyes wandered to the spot where the woman had dissapeared. He straightened “magic, bah. No, it is not magic it is Laruakai, it is when a person alters their mind to the central base so they can use the power, to transport themselves, or make a piece of toast out of thin air. Things like that” I thought about this, central base? What was that? “How do I alter my mind to the central base?” he gazed into my eyes again. “Carmen, you have more power than everything in the central base, you don't need to alter yourself to access it. You are better than them,” he waved his hand and his eyes softened “You are the greatest protector” “So I can throw fireballs at trees?” I asked innocently, but really I wanted to know! He chuckled again “not yet” then he stalked away to his great bear and told me to follow him. I reached his side and he looked up at the bear. “this is Havien.” he reached up and put his hand to Havien's side. His eyes were full of love and devotion. Havien looked down to Luka, you could tell that he loved him immensely, he opened his jaws and roared. Then he spread his wings out and Luka climbed on his back. “go get on Gularad” he yelled at me. I sprinted across the field I was surprised at how fast I could run. I was by Gularad in no time at all.
I touched his neck and told him what Luka had said I should do, he simply nodded his enormous head and spread his wings, then stood up and gazed up at the sky. I climbed on his back. “Ah, carmen I don't think you know what your in for.” he chuckled. “what do you mean?” I demanded, “ha. Oh nothing, you will find out soon enough.” I thought about that, and it was pretty puzzling, why would Luka want me to fly up on Gularad on my first day? Wasn't that supposed to come later? Gularad flew up and up, the sky seemed endless. The wind was rocketing past my face blowing my hair back, it made a ringing noise as it sliced through the air. I smiled, this was very enjoyable. I felt like I was traveling through forever, journeying through the second and just cherishing the moment. Then I saw Luka and Havien, I think my heart skipped a beat, because it scared me half to death and I was so excited to begin my training. Gularad soared up to them, Havien nodded his head gravely towards him, Luka did too. They had a lot of respect for him I thought. Gularad blew fire through his nose and transmitted his thoughts to everyone “let us begin” he said. “indeed, lets” said Luka and he turned his head sharply towards me. “we are beginning with an air fight”. My eyes widened and I cluched a spike on Gularad's head. “b-but isn't it a little to soon for that?” I stuttered. Luka waved his hand in the air and rolled his eyes “oh, nonsense” he said as if It were just silly to begin training normally. Like it was the most natural thing to have a fight on my first day of training, well I didn't think so. “how about next week?” I said hopefully. “Carmen, I am going to see how fast you are, and how quickly you think.” this scared me... just a little. Because I wasn't exactly the fastest thinker and I wasn't the fastest person in the world... well galaxy either. “ah, well...” I looked into the heavens, Ha yeah right like I was going to get any help from up there. I made myself make a straight face. “Right, well then lets do this!” I raised my fist in the air and told Gularad to move to Havien's right side, his right wing looked weaker than the left. I did that, but right when I was telling Gularad to lunge, Luka laughed. I looked up startled, “well, you do think fast, and you noticed that Havien's wing is weaker. But you are going to need your sword” I looked down embarrassed, “oh, right” he reached back and pulled out two gleaming, shiny swords. One was blue and the other was flashing a lot. I knew right away that the flashy one was mine. Luka handed it to me, and it turned dark blue right away. I blinked in surprise, it looked a lot like Luka's now. He laughed again, you are in your water state right now you can easily change that. “How?” I asked, my eyes still fixed on the sword. “feel inside yourself, there is a current you will feel a lot of different things, immense power. Look for the electric pulse in that current.” Well there was a couple of problems, how did I look inside myself, and how could there be a current inside of me? Luka sighed, and I wondered why, I had fully expected him to laugh that's what he always did. “Carmen, close your eyes and feel. You know what I mean you've done it before I know you have” oh, did he mean when I went down to that rock by the river and I felt really peaceful and didn't think of anything in particular, I just felt (this was before I was a... whatever I was.) Well I could do that. I closed my eyes and let all of my thoughts go. I imagined that I could hear the roar of the river and the sweet song of the birds, I thought I felt the whisper of the wind against my cheek. I smiled faintly, I imagined that I could smell the crisp, fresh air, feel the dew dropping off of a leaf. I felt the inner peace, my heart was open to anything. I felt with everything I had in me, and out of nowhere, blended in with the rivers rush was something so huge and exciting. I drew in my breath sharply. I felt the colors, I felt the power run through my veins, I felt lightning crackle, and the wind howl with all of its fury around me. I looked for yellow. I found it and let it envelope me let its strength flow through me. I opened my eyes quickly, I felt different. I felt powerful, I felt the rush of everything I could hear every little sound, sense every little thing, see so clearly that I thought it was impossible, and smell 10 times better than the best bloodhound. I took a deep breath and flavors flooded my mouth, I let my tongue massage my mouth in interest. My gaze instantly took in Luka, and Havien. “You feel like this?” I demanded. “not quite as powerful, but yes.” he bowed his head at me. I wanted a mirror. Just like that one popped into my hand I giggled with glee. Then I looked at myself. My hair was flowing gold, my eyes were bright yellow and my skin was as white as a water lilly. I smiled, my teeth were sharper than Luka's except it was all of them not just two. I had to admit, I looked pretty scary. I threw the mirror into the sky, then I looked down at myself, I was wearing a golden dress, I snorted. A dress? Was this a joke? I was about to fight, I couldn't wear a dress. What was even more ridiculous though was the gold stiletto heels I was wearing. I looked at Luka in exasperation, he laughed. “It suits you and I think you can fight in it.” “yea, right” I said and shook my head, I raised my sword above my skull. It was now a creamy yellow color. “your on Luka, lets fight!” I screamed at him, the threat of challenge echoing through the air around me then Gularad leaped through the air and roared as we crashed into them.

His claws caught Havien's chest so he linked them in under his skin, Havien roared in pain then he snapped at Gularad, he jerked his head back just before Havien's jaws could close in on his snout, Gularad opened his mouth and shot fire into his eyes so Havien flinched away, he raised one huge paw and swiped it at Gularad's belly. Gularad lashed his tail at it and Havien immediately recoiled.
All of this happened in less than a minute, but I know that it happened. My sword twirled down towards Luka's head and he flung his up to meet my blade just in time, he pushed me away and struck out at my stomach, I caught his blow. I decided I wanted to use magic or 'Laruakai' in this instance so what was I now? Electric? Well I was about to see. I held my palm out and willed a bolt to come out of my hand, a long crackly string of energy did exactly as I wished. It swarmed about and I directed it towards Luka's forehead, he raised his hands and clasped them together and water shot out of them, holding my lightning back. Now I was frustrated, I knitted my eyebrows together in concentration then I closed my eyes, I felt for my stream of power, I looked for some thing gray, since that's what I thought wind would be. I found something that whipped my hair out of my face and felt like it could tear you apart and calm you down all at the same time. This was what I wanted. I let it surge through my veins, then my eyes flashed open. Now everything about me was pearly gray, but still beautiful. I grinned devilishly at Luka, he whipped his sword up in reply. I flew at him, literally flew. It was amazing, I jumped off of Gularad's back and just wished that the wind would carry me towards Luka, it did, I raised my sword high. It sliced through the air with a sharp whipping sound and our swords clashed.

Luka twisted his sword in a way that so that mine was wrenched out of my hands and it sailed through the air. My eyes narrowed, then widened as I saw Luka's blade barreling toward my chest. I willed the wind to carry me to my sword and surprise, surprise it did. I was liking this thing where I could get anything I want by just thinking it. I laughed and the sound twinkled through the air, the laughter cut off abruptly. To tell you the truth it still scared me insanely, don't ask me why. I whipped around in midair and soared back to Gularad, he rumbled his rumbly laugh and I smiled. I faced Luka and he smiled sheepishly. “How did you do that?” I asked in amazement. “It's called the flick and twist maneuver and its really very easy” I raised my eyebrows sceptically, and he laughed in amusement. “Really, let me show you” he lifted his sword into the air and tried showing me but it just looked like he was trying to ward off something invisible, and an hilarious attempt at that. I couldn't help laughing. “Maybe we should go and try this on the ground?” I suggested, trying not to smile and failing. He lifted his hands up with a flourish, “Fine! You seem to think whatever I do is funny anyway!” He laughed, it sounded like a smooth river with bells and it was beautiful (dont ask me how it sounded like a smooth river with bells it just did.) Havien's thin wings folded into his back and he plummeted to the earth. “Shall we?” Gularad's voice echoed through my head. “Of course” I responded. His silvery gray wings folded to his sides and his neck craned downwards, his legs tucked towards his chest. We swooped through the sky, the wind caressing my face. Not stinging and biting like it usually would since I controlled the element. I raised my hands to the sky my fingers reaching into nothingness, and everything at the same time. I yelled into the sky enjoying this downward plummet. My silvery hair chimed in my ear, the wind was speaking to me. A grin stretched across my face and I listened, what I heard scared me, chilled me to the bone. The winds whispers became horrible scratchings across my mind and I let it go. My hair fell limp against my head without the winds embrace. What I heard was something like this “A million march through the desert, closing in upon your dream world princess. Flee! The skies are infested with his slaves...” I knew who HE was... Rabaqui and his horrible army. My eyes widened in terror and Gularad pulled to a halt in the air. “Carmen? What has happened?” His voice whispered through my head. I couldn't bear to tell him so I thought it, I told him what the wind had told me.
His roar reverberated everything, the clouds shook and I felt myself changing... I was burning inside and my fury was pulsing through every cell. I knew the element fire had over taken me filling me with a fiery passion of hate for all the evil in the world. “We must hurry and warn Luka... no time to spare you need to leave!” He screeched to me. I nodded and we dived down, faster than before. I was no longer enjoying it, the wind was like a cold finger running a nail along a chalkboard, hissing and crackling in annoyance. I shooed it away. The outline of land reached my eyes and relief flooded through me. Luka was standing there waiting paitiently... did he not know of the danger? I bidded Gularad to hurry and he sped toward earth even faster.
We landed with a heavy thump and I leaped off Gularad's back. Luka saw the fear in my eyes and rushed toward me. He grasped my forearms and gazed into my eyes. “What? What is it Carmen?” he demanded. My eyes brimmed with tears and I threw myself into him. “We have to get out... NOW” I sobbed into his ear. He pulled me into his arms and walked to Havien with a straight face. He hoisted me onto his back and leapt on behind me. Havien's fur was surprisingly warm and soft, and I ran my hands through it... It soothed me. “Do you know what is happening?” I asked Luka. “No, but it must be important for you to break down like that... explain quickly” He patted my shoulder reassuringly and I trusted him totally. He was like my bigger brother, the one I never had. Even though I had only known him for hours. Havien lifted into the air and Gularad was right ahead of him. “We must get you to Viola now. She is the only one who can take you away from here” I sighed and leaned back into his chest (yes I know it sounds like we would be a couple and liked each other but it was NOTHING like that) I need to be with Gularad I said suddenly. I knew I had to be, I needed to talk to him, ask him what was really happening. “Of course” Luka said. How was I supposed to reach Gularad? I worried over this for a moment then Luka said “Remember the Larukai always it is your stream of power” his words reminded me of the wind, I shuddered to think of the message it had carried. It was only trying to help me, to warn me. But it scared the crap out of me. I closed my eyes and felt the reassuring rush of the Larukai I searched for wind, the silvery whispering element came to me quickly and I let it envelope me. I opened my eyes and willed it to carry me on its caressing folds. I waved at Luka and his worried gaze scared me. Was I endangering him? Was prince Rabaqui after me and Arianna?

Gularad told me that the countries had been fighting for about a century after Rabaqui had found the scepter. (How long did these people live? Jeesh) Without protectors the land had been scavenged and destroyed by the prince and his horrendous army. “How did He find the scepter?” I asked, leaning into the dragon's glorious neck, his scales were warm and smooth. “Rabaqui prayed to the ancient gods of the past, and asked to find the scepter. Unfortunately for us they answered his prayers and sent him visions as to the whereabouts of the master weapon” He growled to accent his words, I shuddered with the thought of how Rabaqui was tearing apart lives of innocent people and stealing their homes. “Who are his servants that have eyes in the air?” I wondered aloud. Gularad's body rippled and he growled menacingly, as if to ward off any unseen eyes that may have been watching us. “The Carachi are an ancient and evil species that have existed since the beginning of the world. The prince recruited them and is now using them as spies in his army.” Gularad said, his words were the beginnings of a snarl. I pressed my cheek against a particularly warm scale and stroked his neck. “Why is Rabaqui so evil?” I wailed, then sighed. The world has always had a force of evil, I just hadn't expected it to come in fairy tale form. “Rabaqui does not understand what he does young one. He will pay greatly for his actions” Gularad said softly to me. “These... Carachi. What are they like?” I said, a feeling of dread welled up inside me as I said their name and I wanted to scream with despair. “The Carachi are birds, much like giant leathery skeletons, the pterodactyl for instance is just a crude replica of the Carachi. The Carachi are half my size and have two rows of razor sharp fangs, their talons are three inches long and very sharp they would tear you apart if ever given such a chance. They have four legs and resemble... a bloodthirsty monster. You could say they are the ultimate bloodthirsty monster. You will understand when you see them.” Gularad said this with extreme sadness in his voice. I wondered faintly why this was, I didn't want to ask him for fear of waking possible painful memories. I thought of the movie Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban and the hypogriff Buckbeak. Could the Carachi resemble him at all?

“When will I see Arianna?” I asked, I had been worried about her. I wanted to see her. What was she doing? Had she heard of the Carachi yet? Gularad swished his tail and said thoughtfully “Arianna is possibly already back in your realm. Or she may not have heard of the danger yet” Personally I thought she would have heard by now of the horrific things that were happening, after all the speed of light was terrifically fast. “We need to hurry” I said matter of factly my impatient self kicking into gear. “I know” Gularad stated, like hurrying was unimportant.“We will be there soon” “The Carachi could attack any second can't they?” I said calmly, even though my gut felt like there was a billion butterflies in it and my heart was wrenching painfully to think of it. “Yes they could” Gularad said, confirming my fears. I sat up and stared ahead at the blue sky, there didn't seem to be any danger there. It seemed perfectly safe and cheerful. The danger was concealed I knew, so I couldn't be whooping around for joy because the sky was perfect. They would sense a chance and attack. I looked back at Luka and he smiled ruefully at me. I managed to grimace back. Then I saw the most horrendous thing that could have possibly lived, A giant black leathery beak inched itself out of the clouds by Havien's tail. It opened slowly, for fear of being noticed and I saw two rows of jagged, gleaming, terrifyingly sharp teeth. I sat rigid in my seat and my mouth opened and closed uselessly. The massive beak wrinkled like it was about to snap shut right around Havien's magnificent tail. Fury ingulfed me and red hot flames burned in my head, Fire whipped through the air as I looked to the Larukai for guidance and sent a jet of fire right on to the leathery jaws of hell. The crinkly black leather erupted into flames and a unearthly shriek filled the air. Everything happened in ultra slow motion. Gularad whipping his head around and roaring so load it shook the skies. Havien growling menacingly and Luka brandishing his sword with kingly beauty. A body erupted from the perfect cloud, it was horrible. It was like a dragon, but a million times uglier, it was skin and bones and it resembled a horrible meat eating bird. It lashed its bony tail and spread the scraps of leather that were apparently wings. Its eyes raged with intense passion and a leg with fearsome black talons reached towards Luka's neck.
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*sigh* what to do? I don't know what to put in the next chapter. Suggestions anyone? I'm sure I can figure it out...