You Won't *** My Friends, but You'll *** My Brother

I Will Never Forget February 10th.

It all started February 10th just before we played Prison. Gerard had been drunk as usual, saying offensive things, as usual, being stupid as usual, but this time it was different.
"Hey you know who's good in bed? Well of course me! But my girlfriend's an amazin’ fuck!" Those three sentences changed whole a lot of things in both of our lives.

See Gerard was an alcoholic, and when he was drank he didn’t edit his thoughts. He’d say whatever, whenever, and wherever. It would get him in quite a bit of trouble. But his girlfriend Zeera, stood by him, and cared for him when he needed him the most. It never made sense to me, but all I thought was, that’s love for you. See Zeera would hold back Gerard’s hair when he had a hangover, give him medicine, do whatever she could for him, yet Gerard never did anything nearly as nice. Yeah, he would take her on dates and open doors for her, and sometimes be a gentlemen, but as I said was sometimes, the times he was sober, which weren’t often.

But back to the concert, after Gerard said those three idiotic sentences, we played prison, then we said goodbye to Chicago, and left the stage. Except for Gerard, he’s a ham and had to say something to the crowd. I don’t know what, but I bet it wasn’t as important as checking on his girlfriend. As I left the stage I’d figure I’d check on Zeera. We weren’t good friends, but I saw it as a favor for my brother.

When I got to our dressing room I saw Zeera. She was crying her eyes out. Poor girl. Slowly, I went to sit next to her. I just can’t stand to see girls cry. I can’t believe my brother did this to his own girlfriend, he was such an asshole sometimes. Wanting her to stop I hugged her hoping it would help somehow. I must have done something right because she clinged to me and her sobbing started to die down. Trying to stop her crying completely I kissed her head. She’s a nice person, why was Gerard an ass? She pulled my face down, what is this? Then I felt her lips on mine…

The door had been slammed open. I pulled away from Zeera as fast as I could and saw Gerard standing in the door shocked.
“How dare you, Michael!” he screamed.
“Get your fucking hands off my girlfriend”
He shouted at the top of his lungs. How could I tell him I hadn’t kissed his girlfriend when he was so angry? I panicked and ran.
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Hey I hope you like this chapter. It's written by me Dr. Mrs. Vandertramp aka Abbi. The next chapter is gonna by my friend Chloe! We hope you like this so far. Comments are love!