You Won't *** My Friends, but You'll *** My Brother


I sat blankly, staring at Gerard as he ran to the bunks and some sort of emotion lit itself in my core. I picked myself off the ground and stormed off the bus, squinting in the bright, sunny weather. I didn't know what I was doing, but my feet were carrying me towards Zeera's tour bus.
I boarded onto it and held back the urge to punch her directly in the face.

"You fucking whore!" I trembled, glaring at her from behind my glasses.
"You mad, lying bitch!" My voice strengthened as she slowly cowered away. "I'm going to talk to Stacy, and I'm going to have you removed from the tour, and I wouldn't expect anything other from Gerard besides a 'fuck you.'" I hissed and stomped off the bus.

Stacy looked at me curiously as I climbed back onto my own bus and I sat down beside her, "Do whatever you must to get that whore and her band off this tour." I growled before walking over to my brother. I slowly sat down beside him, dodging as he tried to whack me by grabbing his hand tight in mine before it collided with my chest.

"Gerard, I'm sorry." I loosened my grip on his hand and sighed, placing his hand back down beside him. "But you needed to know, you'll find someone someday and have a wonderful family with a beautiful baby with a woman who really loves you and that you love too." I said and offered him a small smile.

He slowly stirred, sitting up and running his hands across his face with a sniffle and a sigh.
"Fuck," he groaned, pressing his fingertips to the bridge of his nose. "You're right Mikey. You're right." He stared at me with the most lifeless eyes I've ever seen.
"I thought I-" he shook his head, "I don't know what I was thinking."
I gave a small chuckle, "I don't think you were thinking at all, Gee." I said playfully.

Gerard pulled me into a long embrace and pulled away with a small chuckle, "Where'd you go off to a minute ago?"
I shrugged, "I may have gone and bitched out Zeera," I said and snorted at Gerard's awed expression.
"Mikey fucking Way, when did you grow a pair of balls?!" He asked excitedly surprised.
I shoved him, sticking my tongue out, "Just looking out for my favorite older brother."
"I'm your only brother," his eyes narrowed.
I pouted my lips, "All the more reason to be protective," I fired back with a smile.

"What did you say to her?" He asked curiously, bouncing slightly in his seat.
"Um, a whore. I called her a whore, and a bitch." I laughed. "And I'm having them removed from the tour." I added.
Gerard sighed and nodded, wiping his eyes, "I guess that's for the best."
♠ ♠ ♠
I can't sleep--so, have a chapter. :3
I'm a rather productive insomniac.
Comments are LOVED.
and we love you guys. :3 xoxoxo C