You Won't *** My Friends, but You'll *** My Brother

It's Just You and Me.

There she stood, right in front of my eyes.
"Am I dreaming?" I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, but still there she was.
I smiled gently, "Wanna, um, I-" I was speechless. How did she get here? "How'd you get here?"
Gerard gave a wry laugh and walked away, sitting himself on the couch with a can of beer. I glared at him and opened my mouth to protest but Alicia drew back my attention.
"Well, Matt got a little sick so I had some time off and well-" She hid her face with embarrassment, "-I probably sound like some crazy stalker," she giggled nervously.
"No! No, I'm glad you came and found me. I have the whole day before tonight's show, um, how about I get dressed and er, we can go somewhere?"
Alicia smiled and nodded, "Sounds good."

I ducked back towards the messy bunk area and scooped up some clothes and disappeared into the bathroom. I got dressed as quickly as I could, spraying on some Axe; hoping not to smell like tour bus. I brushed my teeth, took my medicine and lathered my fingers with hair gel, running it through my hair and exited the bathroom.
"Gerard?" I sat down beside my brother, concerned about his sudden increase in his alcohol consumption. Gerard smiled at me.
"Go'o have fun, bro."
I sighed, "Just, just only have one, okay? It's early-" I slowly stood up and gave Ray and Frank the heads up to watch out for Gerard today while I was gone.
Alicia was sitting on my bed with my copy of The Watchmen, she was flipping through it. She looked up and saw me, raising the book in the air.
"Good book," she said and then set it down.
Soul fucking mate.
"You like The Watchmen?" I said, starstruck.
She laughed and nodded, "Yeah, one of my favorites."
Marry me?

We got off the bus and decided to go rollerblading, her idea, not mine. I barely have enough balance without wheels on my feet.
As I was trying to stand up with the wheels on my shoes, my phone buzzed. It was Mark Webb.
"Nuh, hold on, I need to take this," I said and answered it, holding onto Alicia's shoulder to keep my balance.
"Hey Mark-" I nodded, "Oh, so we're staying in California? We're-" I nodded some more, "Awesome! World War-" I smiled and hung up.
"Um, how long are you in California for?" I asked.
Alicia looked at the ceiling, trying to remember, "Another week, I think," she said.
"Um, well, we're shooting this video that's kind of like World War two, do you want to come with me and hang out and stuff?"
Alicia's smile was fucking huge, she nodded vigorously, "That sounds fucking awesome!"
The music on the skating arena stopped and the announcer came on, "This is for all the couples out there," he droned as 'You & Me' by Lifehouse came on over the speakers.

"Come on!" Alicia smiled, "Lets go!"
I blushed and kissed her as I shakily followed her onto the skating rink.
"I'm not very good at this!" I laughed and flailed, clinging to the railing on the side.
She took my hand, "Just skate, push off with one foot, and then the other," she said and kept my balance and lead my away from the wall.
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:'D comments are loved.
Also, Abbi and I are collaborating in another story, here's the link. We'd love for you to check it out and comment. <3