You Won't *** My Friends, but You'll *** My Brother

Very Terrible

I kissed her. I don’t necessarily like roller skating, but to be this happy and have her happy, I’d go roller skating everyday. The couple skate went well, we skated to some cheesy pop love songs. I’m not a big fan of pop, but it was fun. If it wasn’t for Alicia it wouldn’t have been. I almost fell a few times during the skate but it was okay, because Alicia helped me through it. I looked like a fool falling and having her help pick me up, but I like her holding me, and myself holding her. She was so beautiful, and graceful, unlike me. Tall, gangly, people usually aren’t graceful, I find.

After roller skating we drove to this little family owned restaurant, it was named Fat Tony’s, it was an Italian place. She got spaghetti there and the kissing from The Lady and The Tramp came to mind. I really like her. We talked about how we got into music, and who inspired us. She loved all my favorite bands, she’s amazing, maybe she really is my soul mate.

When I got home to the bus, I found Frank, Ray, and Bob trying to convince Gerard not to have another beer. He was already pretty tipsy, which was bad what with him trying to give drinking up, but then again, now he wasn’t as coordinated, and easy to keep alcohol away from. Oh life’s little toss ups. I went over to Gerard, stealing the beer bottle away from, which ended up mostly spilling on him, but at that moment I didn’t care. I was having a really good day with Alicia and this is what I come home to? I love Gerard, but sometimes, I want to strangle him. Gerard drunkenly tried to grab the bottle back while whining, “But, Mikey!” But I wasn’t having any of it. Maybe, we just shouldn’t keep alcohol, the bus. Though, I’m not particularly fond of the idea, and I don’t think the others would be either. But if it was to help Gerard, I think they’d stop, for now. I’ll have to bring it up to them sometime.

I dumped out all the beer left in the bottle into the kitchen sink, and then headed to my bunk to relax. But Gerard was following me, again. He was really pissing me off right now. “Mikey-““Look, Gerard, I don’t really want to deal with you right now.” That was harsh I know, I regret it. “I’m sorry.” He said it so forlornly that, it just broke me. He reminded me of a puppy who thought it was going to get beaten by its abusive owners. How terrible of a person am I? Very terrible. “I’m sorry, Gerard.” “No, you should be angry, I… said that I’d try to stop but, but I drank more.” And with that he burst into tears. I pulled him into a hug, letting him cry it out. I rubbed his back, and told him stupid nothings like, “it’s alright.” or “it’ll all be okay.” I don’t truthfully don’t know if everything will be okay, but it helped calm him down. Eventually he stopped crying, and mumbled out thanks. I gave him a last squeeze, and let him go. “Let’s go try to sober you up.” He sniffled a bit and mumbled an okay. I went and grabbed a couple of aspirin and a bottle of water, for him.
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I'm wicked sorry it's been so long! I really hope you guys like this. Please comment, I'll love you forever if you do.