You Won't *** My Friends, but You'll *** My Brother

Jack Daniels

I dampened a cloth with cool water, holding it up to my brother's face and then offered him a sip of water. He stumbled his way to the bathroom from which I heard puking sounds. When he came out, he grabbed the water bottle and asprin from me; took two pills and passed out on his bunk. I sighed, this was getting to be too normal of a routine. I whipped out my cellphone and decided to text Alicia to pass the time.

'Hey, what's up? I had fun tonight. :)' Wow, was that smiley face too lame? But no more than a minute later, my phone vibrated with a reply.
'Not much, babysitting a drunk Brian and Zacky. I had a lot of fun too! What's up with you? :)' My relief, she sent a smiley face back.
'Babysitting a drunk Gerard, not fun. Luckily, he's passed out on his bunk. I'm worried about him though.' I hit send and anxiously waited for a reply.

'Zacky just fell over and Brian is trying to explain something to me, but I can't understand a word he's saying. Why are you worried about Gerard?'
I sighed, 'He drinks too much, he gets really depressed and angry when he's drunk. We've been trying to get him to stop.'
I got up, walking over into the small kitchen area and dug through the cupboard until I found some Fruity Pebbles. I poured some in a bowl with milk and dug in as I read over Alicia's next text.
'Have you tried an intervention?'
'Yep, he swears he's going to try but I don't believe it.'
'Well, give him a chance. Help him along, it's gonna be hard for him. I don't know what Zack would do without his Jack Daniel's.'
I heard Gerard stirring and growling about a hang over around the corner. I finished a bite of my cereal and quickly texted Alicia back.

'Alright, I will. I think he's up so I got to go. I'll text you later. <3'
Oh my god, that heard was so fucking cheesy. Shit, what if she thinks I'm weird or-
'<3 Talk to you later, cutie!'
I felt a big smile on my face and ran over to my brother's bunk and shoved the text in his face.
"Look, she sent me a heart! And, she called me cute!"

Gerard grumbled, "Do we have any mo' beer?"
My eyes narrowed, "No, Gerard, you promised you'd get sober."
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry this is such a late update. (oh, that rhymed!)
I've had so much going on between school and rehearsal for the crucible.
<3 love you guys!