You Won't *** My Friends, but You'll *** My Brother

The Two Of Us Are Dying.

I could hear people trying to find me. It was Frank who eventually did.
I was curled up behind the building and it wasn't until I heard Frank coming around the side that I realized that awful retching sound was me; sobbing.
The plastered on white face power had begun pouring off my face.
"Hey," Frank gently whispered sitting down beside me. He was all cleaned up--out of his Black Parade uniform.

I bit my lip, looking up at him.

"Hi," I mumbled incoherently.

"Hey--I know you're feeling pretty shitty, but we need to head to the bus. We're leaving soon."

I nodded, wiping at my eyes with my wrist and followed Frank back onto our tour bus.
I hadn't even had enough time to finish sitting down and taking my shoes off when Gerard attacked me. His fists flailing at my face and my stomach. He screamed the foulest things at me.

"You're my fucking brother!" He grunted, "You're my fucking brother Mikey, but not anymore. You bastard--mother fucking cunt--man whore."

Bob and Ray quickly got on top of the mess, ripping Gerard off of me. By the alcohol I smelt on him, it was clear to me he had drunken more after the set.
Ray struggled, pulling him into the bathroom but Gerard had a different idea in mind. He jabbed Ray in the stomach, escaping the lock he was held in and charged at me. He forced me into a headlock.

"Cus' there ain't no way that I'm sorry for what I did! Now-" His fist slammed right under my septum and as soon as I saw the blood that came gushing out of my nose I quickly fainted back.

"Sleep!" Gerard slurred.

I woke up minutes later with a towel under my nose. I sat up, I could hear Gerard going off outside about shit. But the bus I was on wasn't my own. It was Zeera's. See, she had a band of her own that was following us around on tour.
"Wha?" I blinked as the pain of what had just happened began to hit me.
Frank jumped, noticing I was awake.
"He's alive!" He sing-songed. The guitarist sighed.

"Okay, Mikey. We thought it might be best if--until things settle down--stay on Zeera's bus just for a little while. They have an extra bed in the back room. We just don't want any fights to happen again. We're going to talk to him about all this drinking." He sighed.

Drinking--it was nothing new. I'd been dealing with Gerard drinking since god, I don't even remember. But Frank was right, it had gotten out of hand.
I nodded, slowly standing up. I winced at every bone that cracked.

Frank got off, heading back onto My Chem's bus and I was left alone. With Zeera, some other girl and their brother's who played guitar and drums.
The guitarist came over to me, introduced himself (again). His name was Jess. He lead me to the back, showed me the bed and where to put my stuff and let me sleep.

I curled up on the bed after changing into my pajamas. God, so much of being here reminded me of recording The Black Parade. I was afraid, just like when we were recording The Black Parade. We stayed in this haunted house, Paramour. I would go in and sleep on Gerard's floor when I got scared.

The only problem was, this time, I was afraid of Gerard.
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sorry for the delay, i've been so busy this week.
comment please, it would make my day.
xo Chloe