You Won't *** My Friends, but You'll *** My Brother

Thank You for the Venom

12:03 that was the time when I finally got to sleep on Zeera’s bus. God I can’t even think about her right now, why did she kiss me, no, I need my sleep forget it for now, I tell my self. It had been a long terrible day. To make it worse I had a terrible nightmare.

We where on the stage playing Thank You for the Venom. “Love is the red the rose on your coffin door. What's life like, bleeding on the floor” Gerard sang. A gun shot rung in my ears. I turn to see where it came from but all I end up seeing is Gerard lying there in a pool of his blood, gushing from the bullet wound in his chest. I run toward my dying brother to hear his last words be “It should have been you, backstabber.” He shut his eyes and slumped in my arms. He’s gone, and his last thoughts where how he hated. No! Gerard, no!

I awake from one of my possibly worst nightmares ever, on par with ones from the Paramour. But this time I couldn’t go sleep in Gerard’s room, like I wanted. I needed my brother. This dream will haunt me, I know it.

But when I finally start to get up from my dream I see Zeera. What? “Hi Mikey.” “Um hello Zeera.” I said groggily. My nightmare hits me full force. And let me tell you it hurts. It hurts a lot. “I made breakfast, if you’d like some.” Zeera pulls me out of my thoughts again. I’ll just have save agonizing over the dream and what happened in the dressing room and on the bus for later. I am not looking forward for later.

I follow Zeera into the kitchen. I saw and smelled that Zeera had made pancakes. After eating breakfast Zeera and I got back to talking, it was awkward but still technically conversation. We talked of how Zeera and her band was doing and working on songs, and how Mychem was doing and how we had been working on new songs.

“Well it was nice talking to you Mikey, but I should go check on Gerard. Help him with hangover and what not.” “Oh, of course. Say- It was nice talking to you too.” Gerard wouldn’t want me to say hi, if he was still drunk. I’ve never been in a fight with Gerard before. And I can full heartedly say I hate it.

I heard the door shut signaling Zeera left when Jess their guitarist came over to me. “You know I never got why she dates him, he’s a total dick.” Only when he’s drunk I thought to myself. “You do know Gerard’s my brother right?” I had to say something. He may not be the best person but he’s my only brother. Though right now he may scare me, I still love him. “Oh sorry dude, it’s just she does so much for him. When is it her turn to get trashed and him to play doctor?” Jess seemed to care for her so much, so I commented on it. “Well of course I do. We’ve been in this band for years now. You get tight with the members.” He’s right. I immediately started to reminisce about our old days. I need to see everyone.
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