You Won't *** My Friends, but You'll *** My Brother

Oh, Woe is Me!

So, the most awkward thing in the world is being alone on a bus with a girl who is trash talking your brother. I nodded, going along with what she was saying and trying to think of a good exit. "Um," I mumbled. "I'm gonna go get some coffee." I said awkwardly and dashed off the bus. I stared up the back of the My Chemical Romance tour bus. What once was home looked strangely cold. Just another big metal box on wheels.

I hesitantly boarded, all eyes fell on me. I felt Gerard's burn into my skull. Oh, woe is me. Today was going to be great. But, there was one pair of eyes missing.
"Where's Zeera?" I asked innocently.
"You should know," Gerard spit venomously at me.
I sneered, I didn't need to be reminded of that nightmare.
"No, I was just a-asking, she came over to make sure you were okay. Are you okay?" I asked, feeling genuine concern for my brother. After all he was my brother.
"She went to the bathroom, she's feeling ill," Ray said, trying to break up the potential fight that was bound to erupt between me and Gerard.

I nodded, taking a seat on my bunk. I missed my bed last night. I pushed my glasses up my nose and waited for something to happen. Nothing did. Gerard still was glaring at me. Everyone else was trying to avoid the problem. We were all afraid of what Gerard might do. One little sentence could set him off and I didn't want to end up a punching bag again.

Zeera stumbled out of the bathroom, wiping her lips. The faint smell of vomit fumed from the toilet as she closed the door.
"Are you o-" Gerard and I spoke at the same time.
Gerard glared at me so I bowed my head and let him finish.
"Um, just not feeling great." Zeera muttered, not meeting anyone's eyes. She sat beside Gerard and curled up with him. A fling of jealousy burst in my core.
No. No.
Zeera is Gerard's girlfriend. Not mine.

I watched Zeera try to awaken Gerard out of the zombie like hatred that had consumed him but he didn't give any response, he just sat there and sulked.
"Um, I'll be right back." Zeera got off the bus, I watched her as she crossed the street and walked into Care Pharmacy.
She returned with a plastic bag full of just one thing.
I wasn't sure of its contents, nor was it any of my business.
But, I was still curious.
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i'm so sorry.
school has been hectic, mid-terms are this week and i'm fah-reaking out.
so, it's short, but here it is.
sorry x 10 for the delay. (:
comments are love!