You Won't *** My Friends, but You'll *** My Brother


“Where did you go?” I asked Zeera. Which of course gave Gerard, a reason to glare at me. I was just asking her a question, nothing more. “What did you get babe?” Gerard had asked while pulling her into his lap. Jealously flared, but why I asked myself. Why should I be jealous? Zeera is a very nice woman, but I don’t know her too well. I mean Gerard has brought her to family gatherings and she has hung out on tour, but she never revealed much about herself.

“Oh, just some feminine hygiene.” Cue all men in earshot cringing. As Zeera walked away, I turned to see Gerard. He was watching Zeera leave, it was then I decided this has gone on long enough. I need to talk to him. And since at the moment Zeera is out of the room, and he seems to be sober, it seems to be a half decent moment.

“Gerard?” I ask. Better to take it slow then set him off. “What?” He answers in a not so friendly manner, but it will have to do. “We need to talk.” We really do it’s killing me that he’s being so hostile to me. He is or… maybe was my best friend. We never where like other siblings. We never fought and he was always there for me growing up, and I was there for him. “What about Michael?” “Gerard, please. You need to know, nothing is going on between your girlfriend and I.” He needs to understand. “Really? Nothing! I don’t call what you where doing backstage nothing! I call that kissing my girlfriend!” He’s shouting now, not good, definitely not good. Oh god, what can I say now to prove it to him. “Gerard.” I say gently my voice shaking just slightly. “I would never try to steal your girlfriend. I love you, you’re my brother. I couldn’t purposefully hurt you like that.” I could see his thought process plainly on his face, from anger, fading to confusion, and then to understanding, and maybe, just maybe a bit of guilt.

“Really?” Gerard asks hesitantly. Could he possibly believe me? “Yes, Gerard. I love you. You’re my brother, you mean more to me then a woman.” “Mikey… I love you too.” He responded with tears in his eyes. I have to admit I’m almost crying as well. How again are we straight? It doesn’t matter how, I’m not into incest.

Soon Frank joined our hug happily exclaiming it was “about damn time.” Ray and Bob told us how stupid we where. And Bob simply said “morons”, he was joking though. You could see it on his face, he had a shit-eating smile like the rest of us. Ray and Bob didn’t join the hug, they act straighter then we do.

Zeera then joined us again. The atmosphere of the room immediately darkened.
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So, hey readers. I'm really sorry that this is so short, but I'm going away on a vactions soon. Yay! So I thought you'd like a shorter chapter then nothing for a while. So I hope you liked it.