You Won't *** My Friends, but You'll *** My Brother

I'm Just A Little Black Rain Cloud.

I watched as Gerard got up quickly after Zeera came out of the bathroom.
"Gotta pee," he muttered and dashed into the tiny little room that housed the toilet and shower.
I waited, eyeing Zeera--no, she was Gerard's. However, I couldn't help but noticed she looked nervous. She jumped as soon as Gerard existed the bathroom.

"Gerard!" She bounced. Gerard stared at her and took her off the bus.
I'd be a liar if I said I didn't try to ease drop. I didn't hear much, just little snippets and words. Mostly swears coming from my brother's lips. A small whimper from Zeera.
Gerard came back on, he didn't look angry like I thought he would. That eased my worries, we had just made up and I didn't want to ruin that.

"Mikey?" He asked, his face had flushed, all the color had drained.
"Gerard you're not looking so good, maybe you sh-"
"Can we talk?" He asked.
My stomach plummeted and my heart rate went through the roof.
I did my best and swallowed my fear, following him outside as Zeera was just boarding her bus.
"What's going on Gee?" I took his around the corner of the parked buses and waited for him to answer.

"Zeera--she's pregnant."
My face fell, "Holy shit Gerard, I--"
Gerard's lip curled upwards, he didn't look to pleased.
"We've only had sex once Mikey, and she swore she was on the pill and I used a condom."
"Maybe it broke?" My voice was small.
Gerard snorted, rolling his eyes, "Maybe it broke." He mocked.
I shrunk, "Gerard I'm just trying to-"
"Maybe it's yours." He spat bitterly.

My eyes widened, "Gerard, that--I've never even thought of having sex with your girlfriend!"
"Well you sure as hell made out with her, didn't you?"
I flinched, "Gerard lets not fight, please."
Gerard rolled his eyes and walked away, pacing the parking lot with a cigarette in his hand.
I boarded back onto the tour bus.
"Hey, is Gerard okay?" Frank piped up as he was tuning his guitar.
I shrugged, "Zeera's been knocked up and he swears it's mine." I said venomously.
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-hides from the wrath of subscribers and of abbi-
don't kill me for not updating in the longest time.
i was depressed and then i had a shit-ton of work to do for school.