You Won't *** My Friends, but You'll *** My Brother


How could Gerard just blame me like that? I mean just moments ago we told each other how much we loved each other. He’s my brother; I could never do that to him. It should be obvious, why isn’t it? You know what, he’s probably drunk again. As always. God Damn it! He needs to sober up. But how to get him to, is the question. I don’t know the answer yet, but I know it involves the guys and a plan.

One of the first parts of my soon to be plan was to get the guys on my side. It won’t be hard I know that for sure. They too are sick of Gee’s bull. I mean he’s always drunk or high, showing up for practices late as with the bus when we need to head out of town. He even almost got arrested; this has gone on far enough.

When Gerard had gone off to somewhere, probably to hang out with Zeera for God knows what, is when I put the first part of the plan into action. Bob was kicking Ray’s ass at Guitar Hero and Frank was reading some magazine. “Hey you guys” That of course, didn’t get their attention. “Ray, Bob?”, still no reaction, looks like I’ll have to yell. “Franklin, Raymond, and Robert” , I shouted! Ray and Bob paused the game, and just stared at me out of shock. I don’t’ raise my voice often, okay never. Frank kept reading calmly and asked “Yes, Michael?” Sometimes he astounds me. “We need Gerard to sober up.” Simple and straight to the point my statement was. I could see in their, well Bob and Ray’s eyes that they understood this was important. Frank on the other side was hardly ever serious, but he can have his times. Ray and Bob came to the “kitchen” table on our bus, where Frank and I sat. Frank even put down his…. Highlights Magazine? “Frank is that Highlights?” Seriously what the fuck? “Ye-es”, he sing-songed, “the people at the barber shop said I could have it.” Bullshit in my opinion. “No they didn’t.” “So I stole it! You don’t know my life!” Really Frank, really? “Okay then,… moving on. We need Gerard sober and soon. He’s putting tension on the band. You saw how he acted toward me last night on stage.” He had glared at me during I Don’t Love, it hurt. But I’m almost getting use to this pain. Isn’t that sick?

“Mikey is right.” Bob agreed with me good, I bet the others will too. “Yeah, but how will we get him to?” Frank asked, don’t be a such a Debbie downer, it’ll happen. It has too. “Personally I think we need to shock him to sobriety.” That comment came from Ray. I like his way of thinking. “Zeera needs a professional pregnancy test, from a doctor. Either he’ll realize he’s a father, or his girlfriend lied, or cheated on it. That should be a shock for any of those three outcomes.” Yet again Ray is a genius. “How do you get her to do that? I bet she won’t willing get one.” Apparently Bob is a downer as well. I have to agree with him though. “Get Stacy to bully her into it.” Ray Toro the man with a plan strikes again! “Who’s going to call her?” I ask. “Noses”, Frank shouts way to loud for my ears. For god sake’s he’s sitting next to me. “Ha, Mikey gets to call her!” Huh? “I called Nose Goes and you where the last person to put your index finger on your nose therefore you get to do the unwanted task.” His tone of voice screamed duh you idiot, “Really Frank child’s games to see how calls?” His response, “Yup.” Bob and Ray unfortunately also agreed.

You may be wondering who this Stacy person is. Stacy Fass is our legal person thing for the band. I don’t quite know her job but it’s important, I know that. She also is almost a mother for the band. We also haven’t talked to her in awhile, same with our real mothers, there for she will kick whoever’s butt on the phone for not calling sooner. “Hey Stacy.” God that sounded awkward. “Mikey?” “Yup it’s me.” How am I suppose to tell her Gerard might or might not have knocked up his girlfriend because he’s always drunk. I don’t think she knows about his alcoholism. “Anything up, Mikey?” She sounds worried now, she should be. Ah, well, now or never. “Stacy, Gerard’s now an alcohol who might have knocked up his girlfriend, but blames me because I supposedly cheated with her, which isn’t true, but anyways, we need Zeera, his girlfriend, to take a pregnancy test from a doctor.” I really hopes she heard all of this because I don’t really want to repeat any of it. “Okay. Give me the girl’s number.” Good she heard, but I don’t like her sound of voice. But if it gets me off the hook for not calling I’ll give her the number.

Stacy and I had talked about Gerard and his problems and mine with his. She and I also caught up. We talked about the rest of the band, they’re lives aren’t as dramatic as we Way brothers’ are. She assured me she get Zeera to take the test, and settle everything. She’s an awesome band mother.
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So I hope I hasn't been to long since the last chapter. As the status states, chloe and I had a wicked bad storm in our neck of the woods that decided to take out my computer. I wrote this in a short amount of time, on a computer I'm not use to, so if you see any mistakes tell me. Hope you liked this chapter!