You Won't *** My Friends, but You'll *** My Brother

If This is What Will Make You Really Happy.

My stomach fluttered nervously as I saw Stacy pull aside Zeera after the concert. Now, I didn't like to ease drop, but this was too intriguing not too. I stood around the corner from where they were and casually lit up a cigarette and listened.

"Look, Zeera, we need to talk."
Zeera didn't say anything that I heard.
"Tomorrow we're taking you to the doctor's and we're getting a DNA test for that baby."
Zeera sneered, "Make me," she said bitterly.
I could hear Stacy angrily tap her foot, she clicked her tongue, "Are you scared or something?"

I could hear how uncomfortable Zeera was, Stacy had her in a corner.
"I've never seen why Gerard likes you, he deserves so much better," Stacy scoffed. I peered around the corner, Stacy had her iPhone in her hand and she was furiously typing away.
"Okay," Stacy mumbled, "We'll be leaving tomorrow morning at 6 am."
Zeera's eyes widened, "Six?" She screeched in horror.

Stacy smirked and put her phone away, "Life's not fair, is it?" She pouted wryly. "See you tomorrow." She added and came around the corner. I stiffened as she saw me, but she simply winked and walked off.
I sighed, pushing myself off the wall with my foot and followed her outside and went back onto the bus. I ignored my brother, there was no use explaining mine and Stacy's plan to him. He'd freak out and just bitch.

I curled myself into bed and instantly fell asleep, only to be woken up by the profanities that were being screeched by Zeera around 6 in the morning. I sat up and peered out the small window from my bunk.

"Why the fuck are you making me do this? I don't have you do this you fucking skank!" Zeera yelled.
Stacy scoffed, "Get in the car," she said smoothly and pushed Zeera into the passenger's seat and drove off. I sighed as the nervous butterflies flitted around my stomach. I didn't know why I was so nervous, I never had sex with Zeera. I guess I was worried about the test results.

I think I fell asleep again because I woke up to have Stacy looming over me. I shot up, grabbed my heart that's rate had shot upward.
"Fucking Christ!" I yelled, grabbing my glasses and putting them over my eyes. "Jesus woman, you scared me." I breathed.

Stacy laughed darkly, "The test results will be in by the end of the week," She said.
"But," Stacy tapped her teeth, "She did confess to cheating on Gerard, but I'm going to wait to break the news until the test results come in." She said and ruffled my hair.

"I'll see you in a week, Mikey-dyke." She cooed and stepped off the bus. She waved as the buses, our bus followed by Zeera's slowly pulled out of the venue driveway and turned onto the highway to head somewhere new. Somewhere warm.

I hoped the warmth would bring Gerard into a better mood; but by the beer cans that were littered around I doubted a change of weather would make my brother any less of an asshole.
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