You Won't *** My Friends, but You'll *** My Brother

A meeting of sorts

It’s a Thursday night, and tomorrow is when Stacy comes back with the results. And for some reason I’m terrified. It’s two thirty in the morning but, I just can’t sleep even with the soft crashing of the Pacific Ocean waves lapping at the Californian shore. Yes, we’re in California now, but the warm weather hasn’t helped Gerard’s disposition, in fact it’s make it worse. Gerard loves being pale and a bit odd looking, anyone who’s seen him before should know this. But to keep his pale look, he’s stayed on the buss drunk and high this week. I don’t think I’ve seen him get out other than performing. He just keeps sinking farther and farther down. Soon, if he’s not already there, I’d say he’ll hit rock bottom. Hopefully the truth about Zeera will wake him up from this haze. Help him to get sober and clean… and get a better girlfriend.

Here’s another reason I’m terrified, I, well, I don’t really want Zeera to go. I don’t’ know why. I mean she’s cheated on my brother, but something inside of me doesn’t want to let go. Maybe I just need to get myself a girl. But it’s just so hard. Who wants a serious relationship with a rock star that’s traveling all the time? They all think I have a girl in every city. And if I do find a girl whose okay with my schedule, no one wants a guy as geeky as me. Or am I just being pessimistic? I don’t’ know.

I spent my next hour, debating like this to myself about my issue with needing a girl, until I dozed off around three thirty.

In the morning I was awoken by a loud bang. It sounded like the door to the bus. It was the door. In a few minutes I found myself being pulled out of my bunk by the one and only Stacy Fass. She was asking me to talk with her, seeing, as she was pulling me along I couldn’t really say no. “Mikey I wanted to tell you the results first, even before Zeera.” Here it is, the news I’ve been waiting for all week, though it felt more like all eternality. “The child isn’t Gerard’s.” Boom. There it is. Just, floating around in the air and my mind, never to be taken back. To be honest, I knew that was going to be the answer, I just didn’t want it to be. But it is and I have to accept it and use it to my advantage.

At nine thirty I asked everyone to gather round. We, as a band, didn’t really have meetings like this on tour. So Gerard was obviously confused by this. But the others were not. I had told them about the results already and they where here to help me break the news to Gerard. Here it goes.

“Well I’ve asked you guys to this meeting of sorts, for a reason the reason being you and your girlfriend, Gerard.” “What about me and Zeera?” He was still confused, but starting to sound angry. I could tell by how he started to raise his voice by the end of his question. Drunk again, unfortunately it was no surprise. To Gerard it was always five o’clock somewhere. I hope after this, that will change. “Gerard.” I said as if I was talking to a five year old, “you know how Zeera’s pregnant?” “Yes” Okay now he’s becoming pissed off. I better choose my words wisely. “Well Zeera went to a doctor for a paternity test, to see if you’re the father.” My words instantly sobered him. He lost all of his color. He looked dead. “Mikey. Please. Tell me I’m going to be a father.” Oh, Gerard I’m so sorry. “No, Gerard, you’re not.” The look on his face almost broke my heart. It was a look of complete pain and shock, when your whole world as you know it collapses. “I think. I think I need to be alone.” With that he ran to the bunks.
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Sorry it's been so long since I've last updated. My life has been busy of late, and I need to mange my time better. I'm sorry again. Hope you like it. Comments make my day!