When I Look At You

Everybody needs inspiration

Do You Know how People Put labels This oh i know this person already just because of what they saw on the outside and not on the inside.where you ever Know as
The Girl Who Was Unbreakable?
The Girl Who Seemed So Strong?
The Girl Who Always Laughed It off?
Or The Girl Who Never Would Stop Trying ?

Something most people thought I was after one summer All of those Changed. It all Started When I was Fifteen One Early November Morning Me ,My Younger brother and My Mom had Discovered Dad had left , I knew Our parents had a Divorce and where going to Have to Separate Soon but he Just left With out a single word. I Did Find a Note though, Telling me that everything was going to be OK that Neither Me or Riley ,Where at fault, An Most of all that He Loved Me. It has Been Three Years now My Mom is now Engaged and getting married after this summer is over, At the Moment we where in New york For "Brian's" Job, I was Sitting Reading a Book Trying to Ignore the busy people around me, I heard my mom talking saying how ' going to North Carolina would be a Great thing to do to Spend Time with You' Knowing the You was my dad. Every time he came to visit I ignored his presents and stayed out with all my friends and what Not, Every time he called I walked out of the room. I have Ignored him for The Past Three Years and Only said Nothing More but than a 'Hi' or 'bye'. After my mom Hung up she came over to me " Callie you and Riley are going to Spend the Summer with your dad go Pack" She said Smiling I glared at her and stood up closed my book and walked to my room it was a typical girls room I had Dark purple and black walls. I packed some cloths and and Helped Riley Pack Also. The Next Early Morning We all got packed into the car and Had a long Miserable car ride From New York to Wilmington North Carolina. We Arrived at His House on the Beach he walked out side and Riley ran up to him and huged him saying how cool it was that he lived on the beach and how much fun they where going to have. I Smiled alittle. He Came over to me and said hello " hi " i said with a little smile " Callie be nice he's your dad" I nodded, dad Took me to the room that Riley and Me would be Sharing It was a Simple Sky Light Blue a White Ceiling with White trimmings Two Single Beds Just a Plaid White Color, and a Dresser Soon Mom left to go home She ofcorse told me to be nice to my father, Dad Left us to Unpack while thinking of an idea for dinner I walked into the Kitchen and sat by Riles on the Bar While dad was walking from the Refrigerator and Cabinets. Asking What Riley Liked I just laughed " Dad? "I said he Stopped " Yeah?" He asked laughing a bit " You know Just Plain Pizza Works for us right "i said laughing a bit " oh right Yeah Pizza So What Kind do you guys want " He asked laughing a bit at how Panicked he was trying to make a nice meal for all of us. " Pepperoni! " Riles said Dad looked at me " I like Mushroom but Pepperoni is fine with me " I said walking into the living room Area with a Book, Dad Ordered the Pizza's, and Riley was watching TV Next to Me. The door Bell Rang and Ri Ran to the door, " Callie do you have the money " I sighed and grabed the money dad left just in case he wasn't down here. I walked to the door, I handed him the guy the money he looked at me and smiled " Hi " He said " um hi " I replied " OK well up Bye Enjoy your Pizza's Guys " he said and walked away I closed the door and Ri Burst out laughing dad walked down " whats so funny ri?" he asked " A guy just tryed to have a conversation with Callie " He said laughing more i took the Pizza's from him " oh Shut up " I said Smiling. We all Ate and Went to sleep.
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Lol so wow who Else thinks i Suck at Writing i wrote this while my cusion and her friend where fighting over some guy I was bored I'm gonna post more tomorrow i would really like to know if its good : )