When I Look At You

Beautiful melody, when the nights so long

The Next day When I woke up I heard banging I ran outside and saw Dad with a pot on his head runing around chasing Riley. i Rolled my eyes, and Whent to get dressed, I was Dressed in some knee length Jeans and a White teeshirt. I walked along the beach Till I got to the Boardwalk, I pasted by all the shops and looked around at all the people. I saw these guys start yelling at each other two guys Dressed in Some what Kaki shorts and Flanel shirts, with tank tops Under neath. one i reconized as Nathan. and then a Group of Guys Dressed in black and leather stuff they looked mad. Then they started to fight I ran over to them " HEY!" I said they all stoped " Guys stop being Idiots there are little kids out here and do you really want to end up in jail if your going to fight do it in a less Public place god your amitures ." I said after i had them all looking at me I walked away into a little book store. I saw a book about turttles and picked it up I was just standing There reading Till I heard the 'ding' of the door and Heavy Foot steps walking towards me Someone grabed my sholder " hey you, Who said you could speak to us like that" The guy said it was a guy from the group " yeah your point ?" I said Rolling my eyes at him looking down at the book " Hey you can't just Ignore me ok" He said i turned around to walk away He grabbed my arm and turned me again " Hey I said You Can't -" "Lucas Leave her alone" Nathan said pulling me backwards Into his Chest and We walked to the other part of the store as Lucas Left with his Group. He sat me down on a chair and sat across from me " So Nice to see you again " He said smiling I rolled my eyes " Its Just Lovely" I said Blowing the hair out of my face. " Sorry about Lucas He just dosent ever want to give up you know " I nodded " ok well Nathan Nice to see you again " I said standing up Going back over to the Turtle Books I picked it up "You can call me Nate all my friends do and only my mom and dad call me Nathan" " ok well nate you can leave me alone now " I said " I see you like Turttles" I sighed Giving in " Yes Turttles are my favorite animal " I said " well I work at the Aquarium and I know were a Nest Is We can go Check out the Eggs " He said " Fine Lets go " I said putting down the book and Smiling at him for the First time. We got into his Truck and He drove down a Familer road I smiled " it is in front of this house but I try not to Annoy the people. I was smiling the whole Time we walked down the familer path to the beach " ok really you need to stop smiling " Nate said " well I hope you realized its infront of my house." He stoped for a minute " oh wow didnt realize that " I laughed " Oh by the way Im Callie I know I should have told you sooner but Hey You annoyed me abit sorry " I said " ' Callie' Thats Nice short for anything?" I nodded " Callen, I got callie after my brother when he tried to learn to talk he could never get Callen it always came out Callie so It Just Stuck " He nodded " its Nice Very Unquie, Not boring like Nate, Nathan" I laughed " Well I think Nathan is a very Unquie name I have only met one with that name everyone eles name is Natheail " " haha very funny Callie" We both smiled, and Some what started to lean towards each other when There was a Loud 'ahem' and a ' oh my god that guy was going to Kiss my sister' I slaped my forhead and Slid down in the sand, Hopeing they would go away. " Uh Nice to meet you sir" Nate said " as is you" Dad said " Well I Just came to see what was going on It is nice you made a friend callie" He said I rolled my eyes " Dinner will be ready Soon, So you better start comeing home " He said walking away I stood up and Looked at Nate " Sorry bout that Um I really have no Clue why he-" I was cut off by Nate Kissing me. I Started to Kiss back when " Callen I don't hear a goodbye and you Following us" He yelled. Riley started to laugh and I looked at Nate" goodbye" I said and kissed his Cheek and ran to catch up with them.
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I just saw the LAST SONG I cryed like most of the time Im not a miley fan at all but i love her in the movie the book is still WAY BETTER but I love the movie and I think that MIley and Liam are such a Cute Couple so they are gonna be Callie and Nate so.

Callen - Miley
Nathan- Liam
So Cute : )