

Micheal jumped around under the setting sun; sighing and panting and cursing under his breath as he waved a jar around in the warm air. Micheal groaned when he couldn't catch the firefly that was right above his head, fluttering out of his reach every time. His ridiculously tall, pointed hat was too tall to stand up right, so the tip of it fell over and obscured Micheal’s face. The boy frowned as he glared at the hat his Father made him wear. It was a stupid hat, it was incredible tall and had a ridiculous star design, it was cliché really and it embarrassed him.

Micheal lifted the hat upright and continued to attempt to catch the fireflies. He hadn't caught a single one, and he must hurry otherwise his Father would storm out and say something like, 'Gerard needs them now Micheal!' His Father had high expectations for Micheal’s brother, he would be an extremely powerful wizard supposedly, Micheal’s future held something like, catching fireflies for Gerard for the rest of his life. His Father had said,
“Females like a man who can catch fireflies, isn't that right Donna?” His mother’s reply didn't sound so convincing she just nodded, muttering

Micheal was now getting pretty agitated, his cloak was flying all over the place and it looked like the firefly was laughing at him as it fluttered right in front of his eyes, only to spin away into the air when he reached for it.
"Micheal! Gerard is in desperate need of a firefly. All you have to do is catch one, it’s not as if you are as busy as Gerard." Micheal sighed and turned around to see his Father standing right in front of him.
"Sorry Father, it’s quite difficult."He clenched his fists by his side as his father sighed, shaking his head.
He took the jar from Micheal’s grip and held it up, with his other hand he pointed at a firefly, curling his fingers a little. The dragon fly instantly fluttered towards the jar, directed by his father’s hand and was entrapped in the jar. Micheal‘s eyes widened in shock.
"Forgive me but, why don't you just catch them for Gerard?" Micheal asked, sounding agitated.
"Because, Micheal, you need to learn these skills. Considering your significant lack of powers, you must learn to be an aid to Gerard instead of a hindrance. Besides, it's rather humorous to you, son." His Father chuckled and walked away.
Michael gritted his teeth together, very angrily tugging his hat from his head and balling it into his hands. He hated that Gerard had gotten all the powers, he hated that he was completely and utterly talentless. He hated that his parents resented him for being so unlike Gerard.

Michael drew in a breath and walked through the trees and to the family’s little, wooden house. He entered his house, a blast of warm air hitting him as he forced a smile.
"Michael be a dear and fetch us some water?" His Mother called, just as he was about to sit.
"Of course, Mother." Michael sighed and slumped back outside, retrieving the bucket from the hook beside the door.

He walked around the side of the house, reeling in two buckets from the little well his grandfather had helped build. Returning to the house, he placed them next to his Mother, she thanked him, touching his cheek before disappearing into the kitchen to prepare dinner. Michael lifted the jar and left the house, frowning at the little dots of light fluttering around in the near darkness stairs, and wandered through the thin outbreak of trees to the little stone workshop that his beloved brother practically lived in. He gently chapped his door. He heard the beaming voice of his brother saying,
“Enter!” Michael turned the knob and entered, slowly. He looked around; everything seemed to be under a red light, with green smoke curling around Gerard’s vague form. He saw Gerard's with his back to him, his 'shrew-robin' hybrid sitting on his shoulder. The little creature had been Gerard’s first success in combining two animals, the shrew now had wings and a beak and tended to flap around the workshop, squeaking at people and things.
"Mikey ,thank god your here!" Gerard said as he turned around, emerald cloak fluttering around his shoulders. Gerard was made new cloaks instead of hand-me-downs that only reached his ankles. Gerard didn’t have to wear a stupid hat. Gerard didn’t have to spend hours making futile attempts to catch insects. Gerard was a wizard, a good one at that and Micheal was just a normal person.

"You know Father doesn't like you calling me that." Mikey smiled, sitting the jar containing the firefly on the table as Gerard approached.
"Father isn't here is he?" Gerard smiled, his lips pulling back to reveal his small teeth as he ruffled Mikey's hair. "Okay, I need you to feed Marvin m'kay?" Gerard smiled handing him his rodent carefully.
Mikey sighed and nodded before leaving the room, he basically felt like a servant and, basically, he was. To him it was all 'Micheal do this! Micheal Do that!' Why can’t Gerard do it? Because Gerard is magical. Mikey never liked it. But he never complained.

He walked outside and put Marvin down on the ground, emptying the little traps placed around the garden and watching as Gerard’s pet pecked at the bugs on the ground for ten minutes before returning it to Gerard.
"Thanks Mikey." Gerard ruffled his hair again, reaching for the animal. Mikey just nodded and left, not wanting to disturb Gerard’s important work. It was always the same.
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First chapter guys!

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Zoe xx