Status: In Progress

Learning To Talk

Chapter 2

The next day was a Monday. Perfect. That meant school. Aunt Lidia drove them to school in her jeep and got out with them so they could go get their schedules. They went to the middle school first to get Summer's schedule. She was in Mr. Hale's class. They expained her situation to the principle and she said to go explain it to the teacher. The teacher was a very agreeable man who automatically agreed to have a person to comunicate with her and read essays for her when they had them. He then ushered Summer off to a seat and explained to the class her problem. They all smiled sympathetically at her but they seemed nice enough to Summer.

Aunt Lidia and the remaining three went to the high school to get their schedules. Fall was a freshmen, Winter a sophmore, and Spring was, of course, a junior. They got their schedules and locker numbers and headed off. It didn't take Spring long to find her locker. She was number 118. Once she found it and put her bag in it, she headed to her first class, which she was late for. Her classes were Family & Consumer Science, AP English, PE, and Math Analysis in that order on the first day and Physics, French IV, Sociology, and Seminar the second day. She found the Family & Consumer Science room and walked in. Everybody turned and stared.

"Mrs. Brown?" Spring asked the teacher.

"Ah, yes. And you must be the new student," she looked down at her clipboard. "Spring Wright."

"Yes ma'am, that's me," Spring smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Well have a seat, Spring. We were just getting started." Spring looked around the room for a seat. The only one open was next to an arogant looking boy. He looked over at her and winked. She rolled her eyes and sat down.

"Hey there Sweet Thing, I don't beleive we've met. I'm Chase."

"Spring," She said curlty before turning to pay attention to Mrs. Brown.

"Hey Spring, did it hurt?" She rolled her eyes again and looked at the handsome boy beside her. Now that she looked, he really was handsome with messy dark brown hair and piercing green eyes.

"Did what hurt?" she asked, bored.

"When you fell from heaven, Because you must be an angel," he said sending her a smile. She groaned and turned back towards the teacher. "Hey what did I do wrong?" Chase asked.

"Well I don't know maybe it was the fact that the moment i sat down beside your arrogant ass, you tried to hit on me!" she exclaimed quietly.

"Come on! Most girls are begging me to hit on them!"

"Yeah, well I am not most girls so just leave me alone," she answered curtly. He held up his hands as if in defeat.

"Alright! I get it! Someone's a bit bitchy."

She chose to ignore this comment and pay attention for the rest of the class. Finally the bell rang and she headed off to AP English. This class was better. Nobody talked to her, which she prefered. As she headed off to PE, she ran right into someone, knocking her off her feet.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I'm a bit clumbsy so I run into people a lot," A girls voice said. Spring looked up to see a pretty girl with curly blond hair and dark brown eyes offering a hand to her. She took it and stood up. "Hi there! I'm Kaitlyn, But you can call me Kate, or just K. What's your name?"

Spring looked at her before answering, "Spring."

"Oh that's a pretty name! Well I was heading to my locker to get my gym clothes, so I better be off," Kate said.

"Oh! I have PE next too!"

"That's awesome! I get a friend in there! I've been stuck there with nobody to talk to and it was not fun! Well, I'm going to be late anyways, but you don't have to be. Go to the gym and I'll meet you there."

"Nonsense. I'll come with you and you can say you were showing the new kid where the gym was."

"Oh true! OK then, come on. This way." Kate lead Spring through the bustling halls until she got to locker 110.

"Hey, my locker's 118!"

"Good! I'll have someone to talk to in the mornings!" Kate said enthusiastically. Spring began to think she said everything enthusiastically. Kate reminded her of Fall. Once they got Kate's gym clothes, they headed to the gym.They gave the teacher their excuse, which he accepted along with the excuse regarding Spring's lack of gym clothes. Spring sat down on the bleachers and watched the class.

"Angel!' Spring suddenly heard from somwhere to her right. She groaned as she saw Chase running laps with the rest of the class. Great. She had to deal with his arrogance two classes today.His tight shirt did show off his muscles pretty well though. No, Spring! Don't fall for him! He's an arogant asshole! she thought to herself. She ignored him everytime he passed and tried to talk to her. Finally it was lunch and Kate bounced over to her.

"So what is deal with Chase? Every girl wants to be with him and he wants to be with you. You must be really special."

"I'm just new meat," Spring replied truthfully. Kate looked at her skeptically.

"If you say so."

"I do say so," Spring replied with a smile.

"OK this is the lunch room," Kate said as they walked into a large autotorium type room. They got in line to get some disgusting looking pizza, a salad, and some jello. Once they got their food, Kate lead her to a table with five people already sitting at it. "Hey guys," she greeted them. "This is Spring."

Two girls and three boys looked up at her.

"Hi, I'm Heather," a girl with straight black hair, green eyes, and glasses said. She was sitting by a handsome blonde boy with black eyes, who looked quite like Kate.

"I'm Kale," he said. "Kate's brother and this pretty girl's boyfriend," he continued, putting an arm around Heather.

"I'm Jake," the boy beside him said. He had brown curly hair, brown eyes and glasses.
"I'm Kate's boyfriend." Kate sat down beside him. Spring looked at the other two people at the table.

The girl, who had dark brown hair and hazle eyes looked up at me. "I'm Ebony, and this is my boyfriend, Brett," she said, pointing to a shy looking boy whose black wavy hair went to just above his emerald green eyes. "He's too shy to introduce himself." Spring smiled at him and he waved.

"Nice to meet you all. It is OK if I sit with you right?" Spring verified.

"Of course, silly," Kate assured. "You're one of us now!" She smiled at this and was glad she had already got the making friends part of school over with.

She looked around for her sisters and saw Fall with two people, eyeing a shy emo looking guy. It was different than her normal taste, but he was good looking. She looked around for Winter and found her sitting with a group of guys and girls with wierd colored hair and peircings. Of course they both already at home in their new school. Spring relaxed a bit and smiled. Of course, it wasn't Winter and Fall she was worried about. She couldn't imagine how hard it must be for poor Summer. She could only hope her "translator" was doing OK with her. Time flew with her worries and soon lunch was over and she was headed to Math Analysis with Heather and Brett.

Math Analysis passed quickly and Spring went to find her little sisters to catch the bus. She said goodbye to her new friends and waited for her sisters to do the same, and they headed to the middle school to pick up their youngest sibling. To their surprise, they found her already on the bus, passing notes to the boy sitting beside her.

Spring went up to them. "Who's this?" she asked Summer.

She passed her a note. This is my new best friend, Bailey.

Spring grinned and turned to the boy. "You're her new best friend?"

He smiled back. "Bailey. Nice to meet you. I presume you're Spring. That," he said pointing to Winter, "is Winter, I believe. Leaving Fall," he waved at Fall, who waved back, amazed. "And yes, I am your sister's new best friend." Summer giggled beside him. All three sisters turned to Summer, shocked. She hadn't laughed since their mother died. None of the sisters could get her to, and yet here was this boy, who had known her for all of a day and he got her to laugh. Tears came to Spring's eyes. All three sisters found a seat before the bus started. Winter leaned into the boy and whispered in his ear.

"If you hurt so much of a hair on that girl, you better be prepared for a slow and painful death, boy."

He simply smiled at her and said, "I don't plan to."
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OK this turned out not too bad!!! hope u enjoyed it!!!XD
