Sequel: Angel no more.
Status: Completed

Summer Angel

Waking up

When she woke up, Kay did not open her eyes. She knew she needed a few moments to herself before everyone saw her awake. She remembered she was normal now, she wondered if she would have scars. As she was laying there thinking to herself, she heard Cain’s voice. Then she felt a hand brush her cheek and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.
“You scared us there Kay, you went into shock and your heart almost stopped, you’re ok now though. You can wake up. Please, baby Please wake up.” Cain pleaded.
“I am awake, I just don’t want to open my eyes, because then everyone will know.” Kay whispered.
“It’s just me and you…Kay please open our eyes I miss them so much.”
“Oh please they’re nothing special.” As she said this Kay opened her eyes and saw Cain’s face light up.
“I was so worried about you Kay.” Cain said as he put his hand on her cheek and whipped away her tears.
“I know sweetie, I know.” Kay said as she reached out while wincing in pain and whipped away his tears too.
“What’s wrong, are you in pain?” Cain said taking his hand off her cheek and holding her hand.
“Well, you know that my being here is because I am no longer an angel.”
“Yes, I know this.”
“They took my wings away, and it hurts so badly. Are there any scars? I’m too afraid to look.”
Cain got up and slowly reached over Kay and turned her over so she was face down. He gingerly pulled her hospital gown up to reveal her back. What he saw shocked him.
“Babe, when did you get this tattoo?”
“What tattoo?” Kay said worried.
“Here, let me show you to the mirror.” He took hold of her forearms and walked backwards leading her to the mirror on the back of the bathroom door. He put her back facing the mirror and she put her hands around his waist as he slid the paper gown up to reveal a beautiful, detailed and rather large tattoo of a pair of perfect wings. So detailed you can see the feathers and where the wings begin.
“They look just like mine.” Kay said smiling and running her hands down her back as if she was hugging herself.
“Yes, they do.” Cain said looking at Kay’s face in the mirror.
They both hugged each other tight as the tears fell.