Status: I'm working on it... not so sure where to take it from here, though.

Harry Potter and the Five Elements


Name(s) – blue = Simmira (Sim. Shahaela gave her the option of “Sim” for simplicity or “Mira” for miracle), pink = Lola (Lollipop ‘cause its boring being “Lola” and for her sweet appearance), red = Dariah (D-are-e-ah), purple = Shahaela (Sh-uh-hey-la, called her Lava for her fiery personality), green = Cassandra (or just CC, an acronym for “Calm Casey”).

Ages- all 14 at the beginning of the story, they were all born on the same day (like twins, I don’t know the actual term. Their “birth order” is 1st = Sim - 5th = CC as in the order listed above for their names.).

Personality- Sim- is respected by all of her sisters, and she is naturally often looked to as the leader; she isn’t bratty, however she can get a bit full of her self and she is very protective of her family. She is an average student.

Lollipop- she looks like a doll but you don’t want to be on her bad side. As long as she likes you, you’re safe to breath. If not… well it’ll only hurt for a minute. In addition to being a bubble of energy, Lollipop is like a sweet and sour mixture. She seems to know everything about everyone… unless you’re REALLY good at hiding it. She is an above average student.

Dariah- a rock star to the bone, she enjoys listening to music as well as playing it. She writes her own music when she can and has a perverted mind because she watches too many perverted movies. She likes older guys, preferably with a wife and kids. It creeps some people but she truthfully doesn’t “do” that kind of thing, it’s just a distraction because her first and only relationship ended badly and she doesn’t want to fall in love and be let down… again. Dariah and Lava are closer to each other than their other sisters. She is an average student.

Lava- as a dreamer, Lava has a carefree way of looking at life, she is exceptionally playful and enjoys inventing new things, ‘modifying’ other things, experimenting and blowing shit up. She is like a female version of the Weasley twins (Fred and George) only worse. She loves to write the lyrics for Dariah’s music. She has a knack for creation, but some of her creations are dangerous. She is often in “serious” trouble. Dariah and Lava are closer to each other than their other sisters. Quite intelligent but has a carefree attitude that makes her do the minimal effort in class and use that energy… else where.

CC- she clings to her sisters and chooses to always be with at least one of them. She isn’t at all independent but will absolutely fight if it comes down to that. Shahaela and Dariah will both usually come to her aid if she’s in a sticky situation. Sometimes it feels like she can see straight through you and she uses that as well as her four guarding sisters to scare off potential bullies. She is an average student.

Family- The magical blood in their family had remained dormant for many years. Nobody had been a real witch, or wizard, for over 55 years. Their parents lived as muggles, in the fashion business. Father was a fashion designer and mother was a model. They used their talents to become very rich and famous in the muggle world. The sisters do have some connection with the magical society because their now-deceased uncle married a witch. Their aunt has no use for her husband’s money, so she gives it to the sisters.

Past- The sisters lived as muggles for all their lives… until the letters arrived. For the first three years of their magical education the sisters attended various schools through out the world. Now, at the start of their fourth year the sisters are attending Hogwarts.

Extra- Each sister was given one element to have as their own.
Sim – Water control/creation/purification.
Lollipop – Wind control/creation/purification.
Dariah – Fire control/creation/purification.
Lava – Life control/creation/purification.
CC – Earth control/creation/purification.