Status: I'm working on it... not so sure where to take it from here, though.

Harry Potter and the Five Elements

The Second Bit

+Dariah’s POV (point of view) +

I saw Lava’s hand drift toward her wand before she said sarcastically, “Oh no, I’m so sorry we disturbed you, we are merely looking for a friend.”

Obviously missing the sarcasm, the boy smirked, “Well then keep looking,”

Lava subtly pulled out her wand but kept it at her side, “Oh we shall,” she began to walk away but stopped; turning slowly she raised her wand, “We may be the same age, but mark my words, I know 110 more times the magic you do. And my kind isn’t always pleasant.”

She smiled sweetly and walked away. I laughed at the boy’s dumfounded expression as I followed my sister.

We got back to the carriage thinking that we would meet up with the girl we had been searching for later, at Hogwarts. “Anything happen?” asked Lollipop as we returned, and began to change into our school robes.

Expecting me to answer, Lava merely attached a silver flower to her hair (it stood out miraculously against the purple color), “Nothing particularly interesting by our standards. Lava did manage to get this one boy to hate her guts; not like that’s anything new.”

We finished changing just as the train stopped at the Hogmeade station. Placing our muggle cloths into the spacious depths of the bags, we walked out onto the platform. A large shadow called out, “First years this way, first years.” Sim guided us over to him not knowing where we all were supposed to go, as Lava and I behind her and Loli and CC behind us.

CC tripped and accidently hit an older boy in the am, “Hey, watch it!” CC recoiled, frightened at being addressed by the older student.

I pulled her behind myself and Lava grabbed the boy’s arm, “You got a problem with our sister?”

As the boy opened his mouth to give a smart retort, a large hand settled on his shoulder, “You’re not bullying them new students are ye, Samuel?” said the owner of the hand.

“N-no, of course not Hagrid,” Samuel scurried away.

“So, you must be the Kyzer sisters, yeah?” asked Hagrid, turning to my family. We all nodded, “Kay, then you’ll need to go with the first years across the lake, and then you’ll be sorted into a house.”

Sim pulled us away, toward a group of boats that I assumed were to take us across the lake. ‘Ooh boats’ I thought before climbing into one of them. Leaning over the side of the boat, I could see little to nothing of the lakes contents.

“Lean any farther and you’re just asking to be pushed into the water,” Lollipop whispered in my ear.

I jumped, not aware that I had ended up sharing the boat with this particular twisted
sister. “R-Right, I’ll keep that in mind.” As I scooted away from the edge, I got my first look at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (what a name).

“A little over the top, in my opinion,” I heard Lava mutter to herself. I had to agree. The looming towers cover in lights looked impressive… in an arrogant “I’m better than you” kind of way. Ok maybe not so much in an arrogant way, but still saying “Cooler-than-thou”. I thought about the name… really, it was to long. And calling it Hogwarts was just too straight forward for my liking.

I thought about it for a while. The best I could come up with was: Pompously Over-the-top Wizarding Establishment … POWE yeah, I’ll run it by Lava she’s better at that kind of thing than I am. I work the tunes, she makes it smooth.

The boats came to a halt as we reached the other end of the lake. Climbing out, I rejoined my sisters at the back of the group now moving up toward the Entrance Hall.

+End Dariah’s POV+