Status: I'm working on it... not so sure where to take it from here, though.

Harry Potter and the Five Elements

The... THIRD... Bit

The group slowly made its way up to the castle, the first years struggling in front and the Kyzer sisters moving behind them. Hagrid left them at the entrance to the Great Hall, and another teacher, Professor McGonagall, arrived to give the new students the lay-down of how the sorting works. Apparently there was this really old hat that all the students would put on, it would look into your head, see the traits that you posses/value, and decide which of the four houses to put you in based on that.

The houses were: Slytherin - valuing blood status and loyalty, Hufflepuff – valuing individuality and devotion, Ravenclaw – valuing intelligence and regulations, and Gryffindor – valuing gallantry and dedication.

The houses weren’t good or bad… per say. Slytherin was thought to be generally made up of “bad” people, Hufflepuffs were said to be idiots, Ravenclaws were the nerds, and Gryffindor was for the brave… and foolish.

None of the sisters had a preference for a specific house, though they all would probably kill a few Slytherins if they if they ended up in said house… by accident, of course. However, if Slytherin valued blood status, then the Kyzer family, being in a family with very dormant magical blood, had little chance of getting in.

When the door to the Great Hall opened at last, the Kyzer sisters followed Professor McGonagall trailing after the nervous first years. Of the sisters, only CC was truly nervous; she was clinging to Sim’s arm as if it held the secret to the time/space continuum… who knows, maybe it did. Lollipop whistled approvingly as she gazed around at the hall.

Her whistle brought the seated students attention to the Kyzer sisters. People were seen whispering to their neighbors and staring openly. Lava’s hand had slowly risen up to her spiky half ponytail, where she had stashed her wand, and was resting with her fingers on the grip. Sim stopped and snatched Lava’s hand down, hissing, “Later. Don’t try one of your experimental charms now!” Lava glared but complied.

The sisters stood off to the side as the first years were sorted. When the first years were all sorted and seated, Dumbledore got up, “Now, I would like your attention for just a short while longer. These girls are the Kyzer sisters and are transferring from Jericho’s Academy of Magic in South America. They are very unique and charming women, and I would like you all to welcome them to our school!” the students clapped and there were a few catcalls.

Professor McGonagall began to call their names, “Kyzer, Cassandra!” CC stumbled forward and sat on the stool.

She jumped when the hat began to speak to her, “Oh, shy, I see. Unsure of who you are just yet, aye? Well you have brains, yes, and an impressive ancestry. You are humble, that is a Hufflepuff trait. You are a difficult one to place… er… well I can see you in either Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. Which would you like?”

CC wasn’t prepared to be asked her opinion so she said, “Oh, um. The first one, I guess.”

“Very well then, young one,” the hat now “spoke” allowed, “HUFFLEPUFF!!”

Students clad in yellow and black and clapped as CC joined them.

McGonagall called the next of the sisters, “Kyzer, Dariah!”

Dariah walked determinedly forward and plopped onto the stool, “You are a mischief maker, yes?”

Dariah scoffed, “You think I’m a mischief maker? Wait ‘til you see my sister’s head.”

“Is it that bad? You like to express yourself through music. Hmm, you never stop something once it has been started. I suppose there is only one place for you…” the hat
stopped, “GRYFFINDOR!!”

Dariah joined her new house, waving at CC. “Kyzer, Lola!”

“It’s LOLLIPOP!” she shouted hurrying toward the stool. She sat down looking very dignified… then fell backward off it. Lava burst into laughter as Sim rushed to help Lollipop to her feet. Lollipop settled back onto the stool after sticking her tongue out childishly at Lava, who simply smiled and retuned the gesture.

“Yet another Kyzer?! How many are there?” the hat sounded exasperated, “Well, you have a happy-go-lucky personality, not at all compatible with Slytherin. You are intelligent enough for Ravenclaw but you aren’t very devoted to any one thing, apart from your sisters. I suppose you are unique but not very modest…” he/she/it came to a
conclusion, “GRYFFINDOR!!”

Lollipop jumped off her seat and hopped to her table, “Well,” she said to a bushy-haired girl, “We’re just like the plague. God forbid you get Lava- err, Shahaela,” the girl grinned and turned back to the front.

“Kyzer, Shahaela!” Lava smirked at Sim, who eyed her suspiciously, then scurried onto the stool.

“Ah! You must be the mischievous one. Very smart, but you put your talents to practice in places other than academic. Not a high enough rank on the blood scale for Slytherin… I believe I have made a decision… GRYFFINDOR!!” the moment the “G” was spoken, the Sorting Hat turned bright, eye-watering, neon, pink.