Status: I'm working on it... not so sure where to take it from here, though.

Harry Potter and the Five Elements

And I give you Bit Number Four

“LAVA!” Sim shouted as the room was filled with laughter. Lava gave her “cat-that-ate-the-cannery” grin, dropped the hat and darted away toward Dariah. “LAVA, YOU GET BACK HERE AND YOU FIX IT!!!”

Lava continued to move away, many people commented on her trick, still laughing. When Dumbledore stood up the laughter died away, “Ms. Kyzer, if you would please return our Sorting Hat to its original state, then after the feast you must tell me about that marvelous charm.”

“Original as in: way back when it was new-ish or original as in: before I messed with it?” She asked. Dumbledore merely looked at her. Sighing Lava turned around, pointed at the hat and flicked her finger. She gazed at Dumbledore for a moment longer then grinned again and danced away.

As she sat down, the two red-head twins across from her leaned in, “You have got to join us, mate. We could use someone with your talents.”

“Kyzer, Simmira.” McGonagall was slightly less enthusiastic.

Sim obediently sat down and listened to the hat, “I don’t like your sister very much. You, on the other hand, have a respect for rules and intelligence that your siblings seem to… lack.
They wouldn’t be good in any other place… RAVENCLAW!!”

“WOOT!!” the cry of jubilation came, not from Sim, but from Lava “I’M FREE!!!” People stared at her as she did a dorky dance in her seat, “Oh yeah, uh-huh, I’m free! Ooh, ooh!”

Sim sat down at the Ravenclaw table smiling at the other students. Dumbledore rose to his feet once more, “And, now that our interesting sorting is done; let the feast… begin!”

The trays and plates on each house table filled magically with food. Dariah grabbed anything she could reach and loaded her plate and Lollipop was doing the same. Lava had grabbed a roll and was adding large quantities of butter to it. One of the twins across from her glanced up; “Um…” he started. Lava looked up questioningly.

“You are aware that, that amount of butter is unhealthy… right?” the other twin had paused from his battle with a chicken leg (the leg was winning).

Lava looked at the first twin, then at her roll, then at the other twin, “But… It’s yummy this way.”

“Ok,” the first twin shrugged, “just pointing it out. I’m Fred, by the way.”

“And I’m George,” the other twin said.

“Hey,” Lava began, “did you know that the name ‘George’ is also a Latin root word meaning ‘one who farms or works in farm-related jobs’.”

George looked dumfounded and Fred began roaring with laughter. The boy sitting next to
George looked confused; he was obviously a relative because he too had the tell-tale flaming hair.

“Rea… Real… Really?!” Fred forced out between laughs. When Lava nodded his laughs redoubled. Satisfied that she had distracted him for a moment, Lava returned to her butter-drowned roll.

“I don’t see what’s funny…” the two twin’s confused brother was staring at the three of them, as were the majority of the student near them.

“Apparently my name is a Latin root word meaning ‘one, who farms or works in farm-related jobs’, huh, fancy that,” George sounded intrigued, “Does ‘Fred’ have a meaning?”

“Not that I know of, but,” Lava winked at George, “I can make an acronym for it. Fred: a Freaky, Red-headed, Enormous Dork; Fred.”

It was George’s turn to burst into laughter as Fred gazed at the girl across from him, “Did you make that up on the spot?”

“Indeed, good sir, I did.” Lava smiled and bit into her roll.

Dariah poked Lava in the side causing her to squirm slightly, “Do you think you’ll get into trouble about the Sorting Hat?”

“Probably,” Lava shrugged, “Detention on day one… that has to be a record.”

“I don’t think you’ll get detention, Dumbledore’s pretty lenient,” said the dark-haired, bespectacled boy whom was seated next to the younger redhead boy.

Dariah gazed at him for a moment, then cocked her head, “Heeeeeey, aren’t you that one dude, person, guy, thing who blew up Voldy-the-Moldy?”