Status: I'm working on it... not so sure where to take it from here, though.

Harry Potter and the Five Elements

Numeral FIVE (I think)

The boy stared through his glasses, “V… Voldy-the-Moldy?” he turned to the young red-haired boy across from him, “Did she just call him what I think she called him?”

“Yeah… I think she did,” he looked at Dariah dumfounded, “Why’d you call You-Know-Who… Voldy-the-Moldy?”

She sighed, “Because ‘You-Know-Who’ is a stupid thing to call him, what if someone didn’t know who? And ‘Voldemort’ is a weird name and the people who call him that seem to die. And then those who call him “The Dark Lord” are those who served him. Voldy-the-Moldy just seems to fit,” she finished, and then her gaze returned to the dark-haired boy, “Now, you didn’t answer me, are you or are you not the boy who exploded Mr. Moldy?”

“Yeah, I’m Harry Potter,” he expected her to gaze immediately at his scar, but she didn’t.

Her eyes seemed to glow slightly, “Hmm… I wonder what qualities or variables led to Mr. Moldy’s creation and demise, and how big of a part you and your family played in the whole story…” something appeared to catch her attention and she turned quickly to face the Entrance Hall; he followed her gaze and saw a flicker.

“Lava,” her low whimper caused the twins and Lava to stop talking and turn to Dariah. After looking at her a moment she then turned to the door.

“Oh, frick…” Lava stood up and ran out the door. After pausing a moment she turned left and was out of sight.

“What the—” Fred’s mutter of confusion was cut of by a loud bang and a crash.

“OW!” Lava’s shout silenced all talking as the student and teachers faced the Entrance Hall. “Get back in to the bag! No, stop you—” Several student screamed as the wall to the left of the door blasted into pieces. Lava stood from the rubble, “Sorry!” she shouted at the staff table where many teachers where moving. She then snapped her fingers, returning the wall to its previous state, and ran to the door, “GET IN TO THE BAG!!!”

Professor McGonagall tried to run to the hall accompanied by two other teachers and
Professor Snape but their path was blocked by Lollipop, CC, Sim, and Dariah, “No, you’ll get hurt.”

Professor Snape glared at CC, “You sister is being attacked and you won’t help her?”

She glared right back at him, “I would help her, but that is not my creation, I have no power over it.”

“Creation?” asked George, “You mean she made that thing that’s attacking her?”

Lollipop sighed, “Yep. She was bored and then-” She stopped talking as a sudden, multicolored light flashed and Lava staggered back through the doors. Her robes were ripped badly and she had a gash above her left eye.

Sim darted forward and grabbed her wrist pulling her out of ear shot of the teachers. Sim had her arms crossed and she was listening to Lava’s explanation. Finally Lava’s head dropped in defeat and she pulled out a key, handing it to Sim. Sim took it and tucked it away, holding out her palm while she tapped her foot.

Lava stood for a moment staring at her sister, before throwing her arms into the air, “OH, come on!” she cried, “Back off, I said I was sorry. And I fixed the mess, there is no evidence that he was even there.”

“That does not excuse it!” Sim shouted right back, “I know he… it, wouldn’t have killed you directly but what about the other students. If they get hurt then CC will heal them, but if they die there is nothing we can do about it. She does not yet have the power to return those who might be killed back to life,” she muttered the last sentence so that only Lava could hear it.

“I’ll fix it. Don’t take him away. I know that he was not created ‘naturally’ but does that mean you have the right to decided whether or not he has the right to live?” Lava turned away from her sister and walked up to the staff table. Professor McGonagall tried to grab her arm, as did Professor Snape, but she merely side-stepped their attempts and continued on. Dariah handed her the dinner roll as she passed but said nothing.
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Yeah, I realize that it's a bit dramatic. I wrote this chapter at three on the moring on an airplane. I was tired.