Immortal Forever


Damen and I walked down the street towards the other end of town. Not hand in hand like usual. It felt odd. It felt...wrong.

"So I've never been to your house...." "Yes. I know. It's kinda messy."
"You're a guy. It's not like expect any less." I say rolling my eyes and tripping over a branch.

"Rose! You okay?" "Owww...that hurt." I say looking down at my torn jeans.
"You've ruined a lot of jeans on my watch."

He helps me up and takes my overnight bag from my hand and pulls me close with his arm around my shoulder.

"Come on Roza. What would you like to eat? I'll make you anything."
"You have food besides cereal?" He scowls.
"Oh come on I'm only teasing. I know you're with me every night for dinner."

He smiles and kisses my forehead as we head into his neighborhood. "What type of food you hungry for bella. Chinese? Mexican? Indonesian?"

"You can cook all that?" I say surprised. He chuckles a, "Yes."
"Mmmm Mexican but surprise me." "Okay. You super hungry or no?"
"Mmmm kinda." "Okay. Buffet Mexican style then."

We walk up to his house. His big house. With gates.
"Oh my god. Why didn't you tell me? How the fuck can you afford this?"

"Well, I get paid pretty well. My family was pretty well off too. Yates and such." he says while clearing his throat. "Oh."

He unlocks the front door and leads me in.

I take it all in. From the black and white marble floors to the black Victorian staircase off to the left of the foyer where Damon set my bag. To the right was a plain white carpeted room with a black grade piano. He led me straight ahead into the kitchen with oak wood floors.
As he opens the cabinet in the corner of the kitchen I look around some more. The kitchen itself is in the middle of the room. A small table sits when you first walk in, then the bar where he motions for me to sit on a stool. All black and white. Completely clean.

Obsessive Compulsive much?

He kneels down and takes a look at my leg as I take off my cardigan.

"Actually no. I'm just never home. So no messes. Plus no ones ever over. I'm always with you."
"Oh. I'm sorry." "Sorry? Why should you be sorry?"

"You're always with me...I mean wouldn't you rather be with kids our age than protecting me? Changing me?...There's girl in this town that would kill to be with you. Why pay attention to me? You could be sucking my blood for the change and fucking one of the girls with a Mercedes and Prada bag."

He looks at me for a second. His expression unreadable.

"You're right. Completely right. But you know what? I like spending all my time with you. I like coming home in the morning from your house and taking a quick shower, eating some Lucky Charms, and going to school to sit in all your classes. I like eating lunch with you and walking home from school with you only to lay in bed with my arms around you not doing our homework. I like you."

"You pretend to eat your lunch," I say quietly, "You always shovel your food around."
"You noticed that? How?"
"Why do you do it?"
"Well it's fake meat. If I ate fake meat I'd get very sick from it. I need the nutrition of the real meat."

He looks at my leg once more. Covered in blood. He blinks like he's having trouble controling his craving.

"I'll wipe the blood away if you want."
He smiles and says, "No Roza I'm okay."
"Okay cause you kinda looked like you were gonna eat me for a second."
He laughs. "No I won't eat you. There's other ways to eat you that I would prefer over eating your leg."
I blush and say, "Oh."

He cleans the cut on my leg, puts some cotton over it, and disappears for a moment.

"Here. Pants off so I can put a bandage on and then you can wear these."
I slip out of my jeans and hop up on the stool.
He stands and looks at me for a second before I say, "Hey, there's time for that later. I'm hungry. Chip chop, pork chop."

He chuckles kneels down and sticks a band-aid over the cut after removing the cotton. I jump down and pull up the pants.

"Hey how the? How do these fit me perfectly?"
"I owed you a pair of jeans...same pair from the first night I believe right?" "Yes. They're perfect. Thank you Damon."

I sit back down and watch as he get out the beef and puts in the microwave to thaw. I watch as he takes out seasoning, onion, lettuce, tomato, avocados, taco shells, and cheese. I see how at home he looks as he cooks the meat in the skillet. Reaching for the garlic and onion with his long muscular arms.

"Hmmm?" I say jerked out of my frozen staring state.
"Could you mash up the avacados for guacamole?"

So I stand next to him in the kitchen. Which feels...normal.

"You really like cooking don't you?"
"Yes. I actually do. You know one day I told my parents that I wanted to go to culinary school. The next day I wanted to end my life."

"Funny how parents do that to us huh? They encourage us to follow our dreams. Then when we tell them what we want to do most in the world they crush every hope we had."

"I wanted to end my life after that. That's all I wanted. To not live."

He pauses as he takes the meat from the skillet and puts it in a big blue bowl. Bowls that match the dishes for the diced tomato, lettuce, and olives. I read his thoughts. I absorb everything, but I don't dare say a word.

"I'm glad you didn't take your life."
"In a way I did. I'm not entirely alive now am I?" he replies shoving a tortilla chip with guacamole into his mouth.

"I believe you are. You're breathing. Talking. Walking. Eating. Aren't you?"

He fills our plates with food and I follow him to the small kitchen table as he says, "Yes. I suppose you're right. But you're father would say that the only way to truly be alive is with love."

"You have love."
"Do I?"
"Of course you do."
"From who?"
"Oh...umm I uh..."

"You don't know if you love me. So I know it's not from you. I know you don't because if you did you would see it in our auras."

"But I do see something. It's just not the normal something."
"What do you mean?"
"When we hold hands...I see this white glow. It's different from the others. Because you're part Immortal somehow."

"Because your father changed me. Something he normally does not do. A Vampire King unleashes powers when he changes someone...A white glow? Really?"

"Oh. Well the glow...yeah it's white. It turns icy hot. I don't know why but it's just different. Everyone else has a pinkish purple glow. Ours is white."

"I never said I didn't love you."

He pauses and really takes a moment to look at me.

"Roza. Bella Roza. Come faccio a spiegare a te quanto sei importante per me? Come posso iniziare a spiegare come sto innamorando di te? Come faccio a dirlo a tuo padre? Ho tanta paura. Paura chmi bandire. Oppure forebide me vedere il tuo bel viso. Mi Roza."

"Non sapevo che stavi fluente in italianoe." I say suprised.

"I'm very fluent in Italian Roza. It’s actually my first language although I hide my accent pretty well. My parents are from Italy. They spoke Italian around the house. But tell me what did I say?”

“Rose. Beautiful Rose. How do I explain to you how much you mean to me? How do I begin to explain how I am falling in love with you? How do I tell your father? I'm so afraid. Afraid he will banish me. Or forbid me to see your beautiful face. My Rose.”

“How did you....?” “I can pick up any book and know everything in it remember? I just picked up How to Speak Italian one day in the library and boom. I know Italian. I can speak French, Japanese, and Russian too.” I add with a grin.

He just chuckles as we finish eating.

After the dishes from dinner are loaded in the dishwasher he leads me upstairs where I again take in the view.

As you come up the last step onto the black marble floor you can see out the huge window. Straight down the hall is the door to his bedroom where I follow him to. He opens the black french doors to reveal a black four poster king size bed with red and black sheets.

He sets my bag on the bed and walks to the left side of the room to open a second set of black french doors. Inside is the bathroom. Two vanities. A black and white marble whirl pool tub and a matching shower with glass walls.

“Oh wow.” He smiles at me and comes over to plant a kiss on the top of my head.
“Go ahead take your time Roza. There’s fresh towels. I’ll wait in bed okay?”
“Okay. Thank you Damon.”

I climb into bed exhausted and snuggle up to Damen’s chest. He’s asleep. Or so I think.

“Mi bella Roza.”

“You jumped off a bridge didn’t you?”

He waits a few moments before he answers.

“Yes. I did. I thought it was all over. But your father drug me out of the river. He explained what he was going to do. Said he sensed a gift in me. A white light.”

“A white light?” I say, taking his hand in mine and watching it glow. Feeling the burning sensation in my palm up to my elbow and into my shoulder as it gives me sudden chills.

“Yes,” he whispers grazing his teeth on my neck. Finally biting down gently.

I get lost in the sensation as he brings my mouth to a cut on his collar bone.

My last thoughts are how I’m one step closer to being a Immortal Vampire Princess. One step closer to getting out of this town. One step closer to being dead. One step closer to maybe being with Damon.

One step closer to the end.
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