Immortal Forever


That night had been tempting. What I would do to go back to it was my thought as I left the guidance office. They had called me down fifteen minutes before school was suppose to be out. So I had been forced to stay after on a Friday. It was already almost four and it was dark in the school. Really dark.

I was walking down the hall as I heard footsteps behind me. I turned thinking maybe Damen had come inside to wait for me. I had told him to wait in the front of the school.

As I turned I saw...nothing.

“Damen?” Nothing. Huh...weird.

I turned the corner and suddenly had hands over my eyes and mouth. I tried to scream and move but I was being held against a wall by two people.

Eddie? Amber?

Whoever it was I couldn’t recognize the voice as they growled in my ear. I couldn’t even tell if it was male or female.

“Whatever you do, do not mention this to anyone. You will be killed. I’ve been watching you Rose Miller. I’ve been watching you’re brother and sister too.”

I try to shake my head, indicating I want to talk.

“How? Tell me their names?”

“Benjamin and Tulip. Staying at home with your dear old dad. Vampire King. Important title. I won’t kill him if I can kill you. Be at that after party at Amber’s or your Benny and Tulip will be dead too along with your precious Damen. Now listen you outcast. You may have people protecting your family but I can get past all that. I have the best disguise ever. See you at the dance.”

They then kicked me and all went black.

What must not have been a few minutes later I heard my name.

“Rose? Oh god. Roza please. Wake up. Please if anything happens to you...”
“Mmmm Damen?” I ask keeping my eyes closed.

I feel his lips on my forehead. “Oh Roza what happened? You have marks on your neck...”

“Someone attacked me. Two people. I don’t know if they were both male or female or one of each. I couldn’t tell.”

“They threatened you?”

“They threatened everyone. Me. Ben and Tulip. You. They’ve been watching me. They’ve been at school Damen.”

“Okay love calm down. I’ll protect you.” he says as he helps me sit up against the lockers.

“I think it was Eddie and Amber.”

“Love that’s impossible.”

“Why are you siding with them?!”

“I saw Eddie leave and I was talking to Amber outside when I felt your pain.”

“Felt my pain?”

He helps me stand up as he says, “Yes. I felt it. Which means we’ve kind of...bonded. It could be useful now though I suppose.”

“Whatever you do don’t tell my dad. I saw what he’ll do to you.”

“That is the last thing I’ll ever do.”

He picks me up in his arms halfway home. As we get inside he carries me up the staircase into the bedroom. As he lays me down he takes my hoodie off and our shoes before he kisses my neck.

“Mmmm Roza. Ti voglio.”

“Anche io ti voglio.” I say.

“We have to wait Roza. I hate to wait because I really do want you Rose. I hope when you’ve changed you’ll still want me the same way.”

“I know I’ll still want you. How could I not?”

He then starts sucking on my collarbone as he takes off his leather jacket to reveal his tight dark purple v-neck. He settles into my body. His hips against mine and his breathe hot on my neck as I moan. I want him to bite me sooo bad. But I know not to ask or he’ll refuse.

I feel his teeth. As he grazes them against my skin I arch my back in anticipation.

He chuckles and lifts his face to look into my eyes as he says, “Mmm feisty huh?”

“Shush up.”

He then sinks his teeth into my neck. I feel it as we’re pulled together. I feel the burn in my neck. I feel it in my palm as he takes my hand in his. I feel it as he pulls my body closer to his as he drinks deeper.

“Oh Damen...” I moan.

He slows down and lightly kisses the wound as he licks the bite to heal it. He then licks his lips and kisses me. He kisses me on the lips then all over my face.

“Oh Rose I thought I might have lost you. I was so afraid,” he says as he rolls us over so I’m on his chest.

“I was afraid too. I thought that maybe they had already gotten you. You have to promise me Damen that if anyone touches you that you’ll send me a sign. You have too. I won’t let anyone get away with it.”

“Rose...sweet Rose. I swear I’d warn you. But nothing is going to happen.”


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